weight liftin


New Member
just want to know how many weight liftin growers like me are out there...what kind routine do you do how long you lift things like that....i was doing a full body for awhile but im about to switch back to a split workouts...i have been liftin for 5 months...


New Member
I've just started again, past two months.

I do all over. Benching 80kilo (inc. bar). 45k press behind neck (inc bar) 25kilo biceps, with curling bar... 20key triceps. 10 key on the little shoulder muscles. 40key, one arm rows.

There's more, I just gotta go.


Well-Known Member
yeah ive been liftin pretty much 4 times a week for the past five years im 18 and i started when i was thirteen. i do a whole body work out liftin weights and then to finish it off i either do an hour on the bikes or an hour on the tredmill. it keeps u in good shape fo da ladies and football season, hell yeah


New Member
well as far as doin cardio i do none really...i skateboard thats it.....when you do cardio you burn fat an muscle so all that nice muscle mass you just put on your burnin off with cardio....i do situps pull ups dips an things like that for cardio....a key is what 2.2 pounds.....my bench since i lift on my own is 195lbs ,i row 235lbs,i shrug215lbs, i dumbbell curl 50lbs,i also do tricep pull downs at 170lbs..shoulder press at 180lbs....


Well-Known Member
Mon-Fri weight training....One body part per day. This week is: Mon-Back/Lats..Tue-Chest...Wed-Shoulders...Wed-Biceps/Triceps....Thurs-Quads...Fri-Hams. Saturday is optional. Also before each workout I either ride the bike for 30mins or Jog for 25 mins on treadmill and do about 300-500 crunches.

Been going at it since 2004. Avg. workout length: 1hr-1.5hrs depending on what Im working that day.

Spliff before going to the gym....if its a long workout...spliff in the middle (in the car I'll hit a lil something)...and of course...a fatty when I get done.

6'5" 248lbs. as of this morning. I usually dont go under 250lbs but Im doing a lil more cardio...trimming down for summer.


Well-Known Member
i lift 4 days on and 1 day off. first day is shoulders and forearms, 2nd day is chest and triceps, 3rd day is back and biceps, 4th day is all legs. I havnt been doing any sort of cardio for the past few years...but ive been lifting this routine for about 7 years now. And I love tokin before and after...Before the workout is a must cause it helps me concentrate....then after the workout cause it allows for me to relax.


New Member
i do chest...bicep tricep...shoulders...back an traps....legs ..mon-thur on fri off sat on sun off....i just put up 230lbs shoulder press today...


New Member
day 1: chest, tris, abs
day 2: back, bis, calves
day 3: off
day 4: shoulders, traps, neck, abs
day 5: legs
day 6: off
day 7: off


Well-Known Member
I do aposing body parts each day such as chest and back monday......bi's and tri's tues......wed off......thurs quads and hams.......fri lower back and abs....And alittle cardio at the end of each workout.........


New Member
well as far as doin cardio i do none really...i skateboard thats it.....when you do cardio you burn fat an muscle so all that nice muscle mass you just put on your burnin off with cardio....i do situps pull ups dips an things like that for cardio....a key is what 2.2 pounds.....my bench since i lift on my own is 195lbs ,i row 235lbs,i shrug215lbs, i dumbbell curl 50lbs,i also do tricep pull downs at 170lbs..shoulder press at 180lbs....
It's not about how much you lift, but how regularly you do it. Proper form helps a lot too, if you're using a weight that's too heavy your form will be off and you can't do the exercise properly. Breathing correctly helps loads too.

I'm actually a trained gym instructor. I got my qualification from the big house.


New Member
I do aposing body parts each day such as chest and back monday......bi's and tri's tues......wed off......thurs quads and hams.......fri lower back and abs....And alittle cardio at the end of each workout.........
Perfect... although I'll do back and shoulders on the same day. Chest gets a day to itself, then it's arms and legs. Don't bother much with my legs, just some squatting. So each muscle group gets worked at least twice a week.


New Member
i got an uncle thats a fitness insructer so in regards to my form an posture there's not much more i can do to get to perfect....also i workout 5 days a week for 1hour i do a total of between25-30 sets....my work out style is the prymid style ....high reps low weight in the begining then low reps high weight in the end....i'll get bigger though i hope to touch 210 on the bench in like 2 weeks..


Well-Known Member
AZGROW.............You dont have to lose weight with cardio, Just eat the correct amount of calories. I do the cardio to lose weight but I used to do it keep my stamina up....


Well-Known Member
Perfect... although I'll do back and shoulders on the same day. Chest gets a day to itself, then it's arms and legs. Don't bother much with my legs, just some squatting. So each muscle group gets worked at least twice a week.
Yeah I left out a few things that was just a general layout...I'm just getting started again sooo. I always change up after a month or so to keep the body adapting and to keep me from hitting a platue.


New Member
an why when i put those numbers up you atomaticlly assume i am doing something wrong or overweightin...in any case those numbers co-inside eachother quite nice an it has taken me some time to put those up...


Well-Known Member
wasn't talkin of losin weight like fat i was just statin that doing to much cardio will burn muscle mass...
It doesnt have to be that way you can diet and lift weights without losing muscle mass if you follow a strict diet.........I have a routine somewhere that shows exactly how to do this, if I find it I will post it but I understand what your sayin.