Weird problem occurring


Active Member
I have two plants, I noticed in the last two days, white spherical blobs appearing spaced along the upper newer growth stems, but only on the stems... They flake off into a powder dust, and are forming from small bruise-like brown spots. All around the size of a pinhead maybe.
Today I checked again and some of the brown bruise-like spots have a reddish amber glob which also flakes off into a scab-like substance, almost like a scab from blood hardening.
The branches and stems seem weaker, kind of rubbery, I've cut off some of the upper parts to get a closer look at whatever it is that is forming from in the stems..

Should I just kill and remove this plant as soon as possible? It is flowering, in the popcorn bud style stage..

Anyone know what exactly could begoing on? I can't figure out if it is a pest's eggs (weird that they flake into dust though) or some kind of excretion of too much whatever, or a mold. None of the blobs appear on leaves, and the leaves are generally fine, a few have slightly yellowed tips although I assumed it is from it being a bit too hot.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply, some cropped images are below, it was hard to really photograph them... the conspiracy ufo style arrows are a bit funny..

So, I ended up removing the plant, I think it's best to be safe than sorry, the other plant is doing great and was looking healthier at the time. The sick plant's growth seemed a bit stunted, although it was taller the buds weren't really getting much of the powder crystal look, it just seemed weak in comparison to the other plant, kind of pale green/yellow, while the healthy plant is a dark thick looking green. (Both are master kush)

I'm thinking I had some kind of plant disease, it was seriously like the stems were getting mini ulcers or something, and if there was juice that slowly was leaking out it may have been crusting up, or possibly there were little creatures living in the stems... but who knows.

Basically around each tiny little blob the stem was bruised, and I cut one open and you can see that the black/brown bruise was going inward to the hollow part of the stem. The blobs seemed to come from vertical slits in the stem maybe it was from accidental stress but I don't think so.

The little amber colored globs look like bugs, but they arent.
At first I thought maybe they are eggs, but honestly there weren't clumps of them, and I also looked at them under a 100x microscope and couldn't figure out what it was...
Basically looked like a scab/flakey shell which turned to powder when pressure was applied.

I also thought maybe it could be due to my hydroponic setup, maybe too much nutrients of some type, or heat causing weird condensation, but anyway.. the plant is gone now, and the other female which was basically touching the sick one still looks healthy, and no sign of any bruises or blobs.


