Weird Problem, Please Help!


Active Member
So, for the past two weeks or so my plant's have started to droop down completely, every leaf set and stem seems to get really weak and all the leaves droop straight to the ground. The plant will look really small and then magically the next day or so it will be STANDING strong. Then a Day later it will do the same thing again. Does anybody have any idea what could do this. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
How much are you watering it ?
What nutes are you using ?
Lighting and Medium? You need to give more info in order for these folks to help you .. and pictures will help as well... .Cheers


Active Member
Sorry, I've got 9 CFL's ranging from 26-42 watt most are the "daylight" ones in the blue spectrum and then a couple of the cool white. I'm using miracle grow Organic choice potting soil. I haven't used any nutrients except these Jobes Nutrient Spikes things but I saw on here they were not good so I haven't used them since. I think i probably water too much, because this is my first grow and I'm always wanting to do something with the plants, I change the lighting setup and shit like everyday. Could it be over watering that makes them droop down like that? I dont have pictures now, But ill try to get some.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like your plant has ED,, Heres what you do,,,, get some viagra and dilute in water,,,,,,,,,,,, see where this is going????????:peace:lol...............


Well-Known Member
We have all had that problem,,, you know,,, the one about always wanting to do something to make things better,, but in time youll come down a little and leave well enough alone,,only water once the soil gets dry, thats usually for me about every 4 to 5 days,, at least,, post some pix when you can and we can maybe help with your set up,, I too started with cfls.....:peace:...............


Well-Known Member
The hardest part is just to leave them alone ... Let them be , let them do their thing Its a slow process but It'll happen. Water them when they need it ... Good luck


Active Member
Cool, thanks. Ill definitely post some pictures when I can, I think you guys will like them, if anything they kinda look different than most of the plants I've seen on here, I kept so much of the light on the sides and so close to the plant for so long that it had grown extremely bushy. It looks like a fucking foliage forest.


Well-Known Member
shizzle is bad lol, shizzle shit shizzle shit, good luck man, but at the moment i cant leave my plants alone a sim having problems, the heat is too much but my mate says jus left em!!! its ok o leave em when i know there fine but when the heat is a issue its a big issue he jus says, that will, do, there ok, never mind, i cant grow with someone like this i really wished i had grown alone


Active Member
Alright, I got some pic's. I know my plants are ugly and diseased but give me some feedback. This is my first grow on very low budget, didnt really buy anything but the lights.

-The setup - Everything is pretty ghetto rigged but it reflects light well I think.

-The "Drooper" She usually looks much bigger and better. As you can see in the second picture, Ive got some sort of yellow browning disease and purple stems.

The ugly number 2- This plant is pretty ugly too, leaves keep dying starting at the bottom and they work there way up. It has turned brown on all of the ridges of the leaves, like on the little points.

The Baby- Doesn't get as much light as the rest, so its stretching. I like this plant though, its my little retard baby.


Well-Known Member
hey man,,, look in the growfaq section at the top of the page for those leaves,, just match the picture to their picture and you can find out what your deficiency is...... how often do you water???? You may need to flush all plants......:peace:.....................................................................................


Well-Known Member
check your PH levels,, that might be it,, needs to be between 6 and 7,, PH needs to be monitered,, I had a bad ph problem when I started,, but I got a ph pen and everything goes smooth now,, for the most part........:peace:..........


Active Member
where can i find something to use to test the pH? Somewhere like wal-mart? What kinds of things can be used to correct to pH either up or down? I appreciate the help everyone.