Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Evening all smokers and tokers around the world!

I'm setting a goal to have a small closet grow w/ 4 or 5 plants started by May. Could probably do it sooner, but my college classes are kicking my ass. I'm starting my research phase right now. Anyone want to shoot me some links or tips for my type of grow, that would be awesome.

I'm just tired of dealing with seedy and scummy people to get high. Legalize it or grow it.


Active Member
hey!! just started up an aerogarden. ive never grown before!!! never planted a seed. :o decided to grow myself a stash. looking for an education!!!:-P


Active Member
hello everyone just found this page and i have to say, it really helped out. i am new to growing and just bought the aerogarden spacesaver pro. so far the unit has proven itself to me. i started with 3 that sprouted and 3 took off like a rocket. at 3 weeks over a foot tall but than week 4 1 plant has stem rot SO bad that i went to bed not sure what it was only to wake up and find that plant completly detached from the base on the shelf. that was a sad moment but because of this web page i was able to save the little baby throught cloning process and will keep posted on whats to come of all this.


Active Member
Hi there!
Been keeping an eye on this site for a little bit, but only just signed up :)
Obviously "Pamela" isn't my real name (if you get the reference, I love you lol). I've only been enjoying the stuff for a year an a half (at my age this is apparently very odd LOL) and I just got my first little plant not too long ago.

Her name (and yes, just this week she showed to be a girly-girl) is Henry XD So far she's doing really good thanks to a lot of the tips and tricks I found here.
Smells good too. I'll let you know if anything worth while comes out of it, but I'm having a BLAST just growing her right now.

I've lived in California my whole life (which...I guess is why it's so weird I've only been smokin' / tokin' not even 2 years) and thinking of moving further up north within the next year or two (all you here on the site who are familiar with CA would know exactly what county I'm talking about, I'm sure lol).

Thanks so much for all the free tips, and I really hope I can be a helpful (or at the very least, somewhat entertaining) part of this little online community. =)


Active Member
Hey, I been on here so many times reading forums, I finally figured I'd give myself a voice. Can't wait to get some direct tips in the future.


Well-Known Member
im growing some really great mex bagseed. it was delicios!! no exaggeration. the herb was gold and smelled like cantalope. best tasting weed i ever smoked. maybe not the most potent but definatly the tastyest. i hope my green thumb will improove potency.

i need tips cuz this is my first organic grow actually its my first grow ever and i dont want to fuck it up!!!

im keeping it basic. here is my soil mix..
1/2 mg organic potting soil
1/4 rich back yard top soil (local soil has a ph of about 7.5 so im trying to even out the mg slighlty acidic soil. idont have D.lime)
1/4 chunky perlite.

1 12/ cup of composted cow manure
2 tble spoons of bone meal
1 table spoon of blood meal
1 table spoon of epson sats
1 table spoon of wood ash

fish emusian every other week.

these are all the products available in my local stores.


Well-Known Member
i have 6 plants 3 buble gum, 2 mistic and 1 afgan. 2 weeks old (after clowning} on 24 hours with a 400W MH AND 1 600w HPS. i have them side by side 30" from the tops. the afgan is very full. the buble is tall and sliinder and so is the crystal. where did i go wrong


Active Member
After two weeks of reading this forum, I just now figured out what "subscribed" and "+rep" means. To my credit, i've been to busy learning. What a great place! Typical stoners.....imaginative, informative and easy going..........much like Santa Claus, I Love You all!


Active Member
what the title says. I'm about to start my 1st indoor growing session. still searching and reading the forum. I plan to start within a couple weeks. good forum here