Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Hello all,
joined to research my first grow which will be utopia vegged from seed under a 250w 6700k cfl and flowered under a 600w growlux. fingers crossed for a painless experience in preparation for some good toonz and a phat boy.:joint::hump:
forum looks like a friendly wealth of knowledge and am sure i will ask some stupid questions along the way so i apologise in advance all the way from uk for my ignorance ...:dunce:

c law

Active Member
hey everyone
names c law
a friend showed me this website
and i been looking into a grow plan at my place, this site is fantastic.

the FAQ is my bible.
Hopefully soon enough I'll be able to start and show off what I can do.



Active Member
i am a first time grower and a friend gave me an aerogarden and i put in some seeds and they sprouted now they are very sick and i dont know why here are some pics maybe you can help
the temp was around 78 80 but now i have it at 65 70 we were using fish emulsion as nutrients and jut fluoresents for light please help all the leaves are curling up like taco shells and the bottom leaves are turining yellow and some of the leaves have spots all over them



Active Member
Good evening to all, I'm a new member, old smoker, and new grower. Wish me luck, and I'll be sure to post updates along the way.

Thank youbongsmilie


Active Member
hey stoners, pot heads and occosional smokers alike ;) new guy here, im British born in Wales :D ill be on the forums in and out of the weeks asking questions and leavin comments :) soon as i get my own place plan on starting out with 1 plant then increasin my yield so this sites really helping me so far, thanks guys, happy days !


Active Member
Hello RIU Family, I'm looking forward to sharing my experience growing with all of you as you are all very cool, open-minded people and knowledgeable on everything there is to know about growing, cheers!

a real gent

Active Member
Hello everyone. I'm currently trying my hand at growing some mj. I've been reading up on guides and stuff. Problem is, these guides are for colder climates.

I am currently residing in M'sia (south east asia - near equator). I also know that plants grown on the equator are sometimes bigger compared to those grown away from the equator. Is this true?

My plant is about 3 months old getting about 3 to 4 hours of direct sunlight from a window. My setup is very very basic.

I'm actually quite concerned about the climate over here for mj cultivation. Temperature : ~29 - 30 Celcius
Humidity : 94%

Any advice ?
Can you seal the room as much as possible (so you keep as much air in) and leave a tray of salt on the window sill, as salt, in a warm enviroment will absorb water from the air! hope this helps
the UK,
where its bloody cold!


Well-Known Member
Hello Fellow Blazers!!!!!

I love this site, Its so wicked to have people that have the same interest come here and interact with each other. I'm new to this site and hope i'm welcomed. Keep up this cool forum.

Puff, Puff..... Pass


Active Member
the names Doob, first time grower. have 1 plant, she's about 23inches tall, popped her pistols out about 11 days ago. everythings going well. if i move her from inside to outside will it hurt or help her? and when is it to late to top her?

Jonny renengade

Active Member
Just joined...Im from the inland empire CA....started my first grow a month ago(OG kush) and 2 weeks ago(bubba kush) from seeds.... I could use all the info i can get, ill soak it up like a sponge. Both plants are growing in soil indoors. can use info on how to keep the plants short and fat with decent yeild.


Active Member
im growing plants for my brother as he has seizures and when he smokes they go way down.he gave me 10 seeds from a bag i studied up a bit and right now i have 6 plants 4 in. tall and they have leaves with 3 fingers and are going on to whatever comes next,i have 6 compact flouros and a fan circulating and a hot plate for humidity.ive did ph test and phos. etc. all good,and im havin so much fun doing this i bought an aero garden and seeds from amsterdam-they are dwarf ganja or something but dont need to get big and said to flower great when still small.i may start to smoke too,who knows.when is a good time to start the flowering on my dirt plants can i start when 1 ft. and then grow a month and get bud.any help thx.i look for the day he dont need to buy to control his seizures,and he wants better stuff too,im good at studying and im sure i can grow better stuff than what he calls tire weed.i also bought durban poison seeds so im going to grow hydro and dirt.next payday i can buy 1 400 mh light for dirt crop,i just need to know how soon to start flower on dirt crop and can he then cut off buds and smoke while it still grows.nebula thx


Active Member
Hi all I,m new to all this and dont know if i am making a balls of this?But as far as growing is concearned I am also new.On my second grow now.Cool things you got ere:blsmoke: