Welcome New Members!

Hey I'm new to growing, and when I say new I mean just out of the womb as it were, I have about 11 plants started in peat pellets I got from walmart and I use bloom burst plant food /water mixture on them they are about 3inches long now with four little leaves on the top of some very frail looking stalks they are about 5 days old and I'm kind of happy that they even came up but I want to learn all I can about growing them to their full potential. I have seen a lot of jargon and technical stuff but I need someone that can tell me stuff in laymans terms. I've read a few sights which is how I got the seeds to germinate and start in the first place but all the terms like flushing and trichs and stuff like that really confuses me. I can grow garden vegetables and house plants but this seems a bit more botanical than what I'm use to. My vegetables i just plant, fertilize, hoe and harvest. My house plants come already grown so i just water them when they start to get dry and give them food about once a week. So as you can see I am in sore need of assistance and any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been to the chat room and have enjoyed the conversations there and I've read some of the other posts but they are way more advanced than I am. My seeds came from my last smoke and I have no idea what the name of the plant was or anything else like that about them. Again thanks in advance to anyone who could possible walk me through this step by step and where i can understand what it is thats being said to me. Oh and the economy is the reason I've started growing my own plants for myself and maybe a little extra cash.


Active Member
Helloooooooooooooo you guy's been a small time member for a while,more of a lurker than a member but now I feel as though I'm gonna get stuck in with my 250 watt hps.This is my first system that I have had for about a year now and have had several small harvests,nothing massive as I am a small time meds user catering for my-self and farthers needs,Things are a little tight as we dont live in a big house and the only space available is my bedroom for growing which is a nightmare,but still much better off than having to purchase horrid brick weed,and crap off the street.Ok rambled on abit now time to get stuck in:joint:


Hey this is redchief here - I'm thinking about starting a plant or 2 this spring (outside) - any suggestions on what strain I should get / things to watch out for?


I bring Peace

It's glad to be here. Going to be growing some super lemon haze in my parents house. Right now I'm just learning and saving money to collect resources.
Hey every one....montana boy here just learning how to operate some gorrilla grows around town..i cant wait to plant..only 4 months to go..
Good day and good tidings to everyone... I am a so called newbie oldie. Has been over five years sense my last grow and have decided to get back into thing. Back in that day the big grow site was Overgrow.com, but I read an article about the guy getting busted and having all his server equipment confiscated. I'm starting a two chamber room in my small basement and have already framed up the two rooms and started to buy the extra necessities I don't already have from the old room. Starting with soil or soiless w/ a 400w HPS for flower room and 2 4' T5's for clone/mother/veg room, may go to some type of hydro system later after I get my feet wet. Look forward to reading all your good info on setup and growing tips, and may have a few of my own to provide
Hi Guys,

I am just logging in for the first time and thought it would be nice to see who´s about and to introduce myself.

I´m definately not a seasoned Pro and will be seeking some help in setting up my first grow room in loving memory of my Fiance, who tragically died a couple of month ago.
She loved to smoke, so this is one of many little tributes I´d like to do in honour of her.
She was also into her diving, so I´m going to set up shop with Great White Shark buds.

I have access to 2 ajoining premises of approximately 5m x 4m and 10 lamps. I think they may be 600w with one big (and i mean big) filter.

I am thinking of starting small as we´d only done one 3 plant outdoor crop before, and she took those with her, so I know I´ve got my work cut out for me tending these little babies but want to get it right without setting alight 50+ plants.

Will 4 lamps in one location be sufficient starter pack? I am led to believe that 1 x 600watt lamp should be good for 6 babies, right?

Any basic advice you could give would be gladly appreciated. Stuff like clones vs seeds, pot sizes, soil types etc

I will do lots of homework myself naturally but any heads-up on any other resources would be great.

I have some time on my hands so hope I can become, in time, part of your little community.

Have a great weekend


hi im emmap a newbe need help i have some cuttings that have been under a fluresent tube some are 12inches some are smaller i have a energy saving sodium bulb is that ok to use and because most of them are 12inches tall how long do i put them into veg for and what food do u recommend feel stupid but greatfull if u can help me thanks emma from brum


hi im emmap a newbe need help i have some cuttings that have been under a fluresent tube some are 12inches some are smaller i have a energy saving sodium bulb is that ok to use and because most of them are 12inches tall how long do i put them into veg for and what food do u recommend feel stupid but greatfull if u can help me thanks emma from brum
I´m new myself Green000 but from what I gather you need to develop a pretty decent root system 1st in order for the babies to be able to deal with all the work cut out for them later.
Spose it would be a bit like feeding a newborn child burgers and fries from day 1.
I know you can get them up to 12-18 inches pretty fast if you use 24/0 for a bit, then onto 12/12 but there´s a lot of different stories

The boys in Amsterdam tend to go for 18/6 for 30 days then 12/12 for 60+ days depending on strain.

Personally I am going for Great White Shark 1st time out as it´s a monster of a tree, yielding upto 700g a plant!

Happy Daze

Sam Green

Hello everyone. I am new to growing, and I am very excited. I just got my medical card here in Colorado and I would like to eventually become a vendor. I know I have a-lot to learn, so I hope everyone likes questions bongsmilie


so im have two sprouts and i want to grow them in door but i dont have a light to do it and im broke i cant do it out side cuz my girl friends parents wont let us so is there a way to grow in door with need kind of light idk just

hit me back to explain the mater to you :sad::fire: haha


This is by far the best place that i have found to learn about cannabis cultivation. I am very new when it comes to growing but i hope to eventually be able to grow with the best of them. I have learned so much in the very short time that i have been lurking the forum.


Hey everyone. I've been devouring information on this site/forum since i found it (last month or so).

I just wanted to say thank you.

...back to reading!


So glad I found this site. On my third grow now, the first two were before RIU. The info I have gained here shows in my garden.