Hey everyone. I've been impetuously searching the interwebs for a decent marijuana growing community, which is hard to find . However, I have been attracted to this site and would like to become one of you guys,
Anyway, let me start of by confirming that I am the biggest newbie out there,

. I have no knowledge of growing pot but I am a determined and hopefully will succeed. Also I am not a Shepard though

, I have watched some videos and read some articles, basically done some research. Though some things still baffle me,

. I don't want to get into just now as this post is only for my introduction.
I have been smoking chronic since age 13, without much knowledge about it other than the weights/strains. 5 years on I am now 18 and would like to have the pleasure of growing my own dope.
That is it now for now, I will console you guys later.