Welcome New Members!

The plant will show its sex as soon as it's switched into 12/12 of light (well, around just over a week after it's switched. Sometimes longer, sometimes less). Check out the GrowFAQ also, it will tell you everything you need to know.

i am running a 18/6 hour light cycle on some indoor and there doing worse then my outdoor. the indoor are long 5 inches long and barley any leaves about four and the stems are really weak looking im talking not flowering at all second question can i take the ones outside and put them under the light indoors is there anything special i have to do for them to adjust?
Hey there, just introducing myself. As far as questions i guess it would be. How safe is this site? any advice to stay safe? thanx i have gotten lots of great info from this site. I t rules.
I have a thread Also but havent figured out how to attach the link to this page. Rookie indoor grow journal
Welcome all new growers.
I hope this endeavor leads you on the stoned path to enlightenment.

We can only learn what we have limited ourselves to expierence.
Hello Folks
This site is the best. Just to let you all know I came across this site by googling. I had watched all the videos on Google video about home growing ( I have sever nerve damage and mild epilepsy but the Green keeps me pain free when I can get it. prescription tablets suk) but was still somewhat daunted about growing my own, but got absolutely superior help from member EDSTHREADS, and have just started my first grow. You can have a look at my thread


..and feel free to let me know your comments and what I should be/not be doing. Like I say got great advice from ED which got my arse moving in the right direction.

OK That’s it just though I’d say hello to everyone as it was about time and really do appreciate this site.
Rollitup..you are the dogs bollocks.

Happy growing. Happy toking..peace to you all

HMHTW :peace:bongsmilie
I live in an apartment complex w/80 units total and the electric meter for my apartment meter does not turn. Will I be o.k. as far as the power circuit?
whats up? PoThead from Pa, I know nothing about growing and after reading a lot of posts on this site I figure this is the best way to find out everything I need to know. I want to start growing my own plant but i am a complete noob.
What's up everyone. I am new to the site. I have a passion for growing things, and I love to smoke a fatty. So I guess I will take a crack at growing some plants. I have grown regular bud before out on the roof of my house but my family spotted it from a street away. SO this time I have a grow room all set up. I have 4 1500 watt metal halide lights. What I want to know is will Nirvana seeds send to the US. Or should I just order from Amsterdam seeds. Have a great day every one.
Greetings...I was in the neighborhood...thought I'd stop by....I like long walks on the beach and uh...oh shit..wrong place....j/k. New here, gathering lots of great info from cool folks. Thanks.
hey can someone please help me. i took my black light and took the bulb out and put in a fluoro. 18 inch. well the plant has got some leaves about 4 big ones and like another 4 on top and lil ones growing on top well the stem is weak and it fell over so what i did i dug a deeper hole and put it in the deeper hole. im using 16/8 of light. i want a stronger stem cause i dont want to transplant it . im amazed because the plant didnt go into shock how do i get a stronger stem. leaves are coming out nice dark green and real fuzzy its the stem im worried bout and the light is 2 inches above. also can i use miracle grow lawn and garden feeder i seen it in my garage and was wondering if i could use it. somebody help me please.... thank yalll
Hello everyone, finding my way around quite nicely. Im an old fart that still rolls my own, a lost art among the youth of today! I have looked at a few grow threads and I must say you all are on the right track! I switched to outdoor this year and been having a blast! I have about 10 years of indoor growing under my belt but my kids are now too old for that also we moved here last year from a northern state, so I am giving outdoor a go.

I live in the middle/eastern part of the U.S. now and have had great weather for outdoor. My girls just passed 3 months and this week started pre-flowering/flowering, had to pull 16 males out of 30 and the 14 ladys that are left are doing great. Im not use to the high'th of outdoor plants, indoor are short and fat, well I made them that way. My tallest plant outdoor, 6'4" but it was a male and I had to pull it, I even waited an extra two days just to make sure it was male, no luck! What a sad moment, but better then having buds with 80% seeds, so its gone.

Im using a strain that has been grown here for at 20 years+, at least thats what I was told. They have been breeding this for years, well growing it and not weeding out the males and selling everyone heavily seeded bags, I smoked it all last winter so I know what im going to get, without seeds this time. Its a sticky oldschool type bud, its hard to explain but the tast and smell takes me back to 1978, it truly does. Its bright green with alot of purple hairs, mine wont have the seeds though.

Most of my girls have alot of purple showing in the leaf stalks and have the real pointy thin leaves, one has 11 points! But I do have 3 that are showing diffrently, they are bright green no purple showing, they are more bush like and are at least a foot shorter then all the rest, they have rounded fat leaves. I may have just got ahold of a few seeds that where difrent but they all came from the same main dude! He said its a family Strain, yeh right! The seeds were huge, bigger then any seed i have seen, and I have seen alot, even ordered overseas seeds before. He said these were his growing stock of seeds that come from a plant he grew just for seeds. Anyhow, how much, if any of that is true, I will never know! Any insight? Is that possible, I know nothing about outdoor so it my be.

But im looking forward to a great harvest and lots of pictures for you! Im avalible to help also. You have a nice forum here, heck I wish I would have found this place years ago, I could have saved myself all the trial and error growing over the years. Oh well I found it now and already have picked up on some great ideas.

Thanks for having me!

For hi Thinker, I always used a fan blowing on my plants to make there stems stronger, they have to fight the wind so they grow stronger stems. Watch putting those stems in the soil too far, it can cause them to rot! The light you have, is it only an 18" floresent? If so, its much too little light to grow anything that will produce. You need to step it up, read the recomedations here at this forum, they have good advice about lights!

Good luck!
Hey there this is a long time stoner from back in the 80's. Always wanted to grow my own and never realy had the chance. Most of the jobs Ive had seem quit interested in my urin so smoking went up in smoke. Im still in that sort of situation but I'm missin my weed. Wish this country wasnt so fucked up about the plant. Maybe if I moved to Holland? Anyway eitherway oneday I will plant a cultivate my very own.. Great Site, thx
This is an exellent site. Nearly everything you need to know has been discussed. Great stuff.
Thanks to all who so willingly give advise. (even those with a byas against CFl's)
Hey, I'm new here. I've been trolling the site and reading a lot about growing and harvesting. Great site, so far. Hopefully, I'll be able to contribute to the site.