Welcome New Members!

Hey Guys I am new here and to growing marijuana..Hope to become a more experienced grower in the future and hope to get to know alot of other stonners on the forum:joint::mrgreen:
one week old from seed
hi everybody! Getting ready to start my 2nd grow, the first one went great and i owe it all to the info ive obtained round here. just want to say hi and thanks
hey whats going on> i hooked up on some seeds from a homeboy. ive been wanting to gwom a plant , i smoke hella dank ,but dont know shit on how to start. is the only way u can grow one is by doing all that hydroponic shit, with hoses n shit.
Ahhh yeah im new here. Tryign to do lots of research and what not to do my first plant. Im looking at starting with carmelicious since its said to be a very easy plant to grow. From there i will move into some of the more difficult strands...i really want to do a white widow plant.

Theres so much to learn and so little time. I want to jsut get a small grow area going so i can keep a good personal stash coming.
Heya everyone, names Bieri. Just stopping in to say hey and introduce myself, seeing as i hope to be around a good amount : P. A while ago i was getting a type of weed i hadnt had before and liked it a lot. The bags that i had also contained little seeds! (The epiphany arrives) and i decided to try and grow them. So ill be around researching what i hope i need to know to do at least a decent job at my first outdoor grow :O
Hey everyone, first post (yay!) anyhow, I saw an awesome guide on here (from Widowmaker (?)) The guy with the pic of the bouncy boobs. but it got me interested enough to join. My roommates and I are starting to grow because we're frustrated with our supplier, and lack of his suppling and no where else to go. I've been looking over the forums and various topics and wonder, can you just plant weed like any other plant and get the same effect or do you really need all these florescent lights and Ph meters and such? Our seeds just started getting roots and we're going to wait a day or two more for the rest of the seeds to get a root before going and planting them in cups, but I was just curious.
im a new member and i have a question,

i tried to grow some plants resently and i had no idea what i was doin, i have to grow them for the most part out side but i dont know how big to let them get before i can transplant them outside. any suggestions would be great. thank
Thanks to Garden Knowm, nongreenthumb and any other mods who helped clear up my mess of a registration to the site.

I have been lurking around this site and others like it for awhile, gleaning info and trying to decide where to call my virtual grow room, and this is it.

The secret room is built and I am in the gathering equipment stage of my first grow, I'll provide details later along with LOTS of questions I'm sure. Looking forward to it!

Yooo ^^!!! glad to come aboard. Ive learned more these past two days just by reading, some trippy shit.. =) well well. until next time.
hello im d.o.c. ive grew a few times i now have a some what micro grow of unknown bag seed. i veg for 4 weeks and im am now on the start of week 2 of flowering. lights are cfls
3-26watt 6-13watt and one 20 watt shop light thing more of the blue spekturm of light. in soil. doing well. my q is i have lights on at 6am off 6pm what would happen if i switched to 6pm on 6am off. would it stress bad or what. love growning love weed with a deep passion. been reading here and others for along time.

Hello Everyone. I am new here and am very excited to meet all of you. I am a VERY NEW grower and need some tips. I live in AZ and plan to grow indoors. I dont have a grow room yet, I am just buying supplys as I go. I have 15 seeds that have just germinated this morning. I plan on getting some potting soil from walmart this morning and planting these 15 in 16oz cups in the soil. After this I am not sure what to do, (fertilizer? light? water?) or if I am going the right way as it is. Can anyone help me out??? Should I be growing indoor or outdoor? Is the garage too hot right now for a growroom????(80-95 degrees right now) Can I grow outside????Thanks
Hi Drew,

1. I would plant the seeds inb rockwool or peat pellets... this will make transfer into 3 gallon containers much easier

2. I would purchase a good organic soil like fox farm or black gold. I would get this soil from a nursery, not wall mart..

3. If this is your first grow, you should consider using CFLs.. they cost about 5-10 dollars a pop.. You want to get the 43 watt (150 watt equivelant) bulbs that are sold at wal mart and home depot. Prices can vary greatly so shop around. You will need about 3 bulbs per plant.

4. You will want to flower early in the plants life if you are growing with CFLs.... probably when the plant has 4 fully developed nodes.. most people think this is to early.. they are wrong .... :)

5. MAKE sure you pH your water,,,, you can get a simple pH kit that is VERY effective for 3-16 dollars... pH Water - See More Buds


6. you should start your own thread!!! :)