Welcome New Members!

Hi it is me, Im back! I just wanted to say I never have figured out how to start
threads here, I can only post comments...It is quite annoying.
Yes, Hello. It is I, the one who calls himself I am. I am the dutch master. I am able to continually BLAZE BIG all day, every day. For if you were to take my ash from death and smoke it, it would be 100% pure THC, like I.

Hiya , another Newbie here.
Im very new to all this growing, so i have been reading page upon page of this site to help me along. I must say that its been very interesting.
hey i just put my seeds in a wet paper towel to start germinating today and im new at growing i dont smoke so im looking for a hobby my friends can enjoy im really exited about growing
Hi im new to the forum looking to get as much help as possible plz reply to my post all the help is needed quicker the help the quicker i can start thanks :mrgreen:
hey watsup guys i am pretty new to the site what is good soil to use in the U.S

go ahead and start a new thread.. you will get lots of great answers...

Black Gold and Fox Farm are great soils..

Miracle grow has caused a lot of problems for growers....

You have to be careful because it is filled with a lot of nutrients that can hurt plants.. and the pH is very low....

The pH of the soil and the water determine a plants ability to absorb nutrients... (EAT)...

Just thought I would drop in and say hello. Been reading on this site for a while now, but just now registered. Growing some nyc deisel right now...more than likely have pics soon. Growing soil, and organic btw :)
Good info here. I'm in US and a little nervous about the whole thing but here I am. New grow room 2x4x8. Bought the new flouro high output, 8 bulbs, 40,000 lumens. I've been growing for 5-6 weeks under 4' flouros, set of 8 i made. I just used bag seed. I hope it will be good. A variety of plants. If I get some balls I'll post some pics.
Now for some questions:
I have a 4" inline fan on the inlet and outlet holes in the room. In at botton, out on top. It doesn't seem to move much air. should I be circulating air in the room with a fan to? Should I upgrade to a bigger exhaust fan?
How tall should I let these plants get? is letting them grow 4 months too long? Or should I let them grow until they go into preflowering on their own?
I'm growing organic in soil ( a mix from an old "Growers Guide by Mel) and using fish emulsion and another blooming mix when they flower. Is this stuff good enough? Thanks in advance. I have more questions for later.:peace:https://www.rollitup.org/images/smilies/peace.gif
what type light i need to start my 20 plants and how many watts. i am growing indoors. and how many watts of hps i need for flowering
Hey, all. I'm new to the game (only been smoking for about 8 months) but I effing love it. I'm here just to talk about with I like with people who understand. And maybe get some tips on the culture itself.

Thanks all! :joint::peace: