Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
sorry about stupid question but is there anyone in the uk here
Yea dude you can start seeds in soil...I usually just use a Tupperware container and put down a piece of paper towel then your seeds and the another paper towel and make sure it's wet but not soaked...leave in a dark warm place and they will pop in about two days, sometimes sooner and sometimes later. Then plant

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
can u start seeds from stratght soil an miricle gro??/ can neone help me?
Hello tok, I grow directly onto the soil, no wetting or paper towels, nothing; just into the 3" peat pot with a little potting soil.
My reasoning: cannabis has grown on it's own for millions of years without any help in germinating. A weak or defective seed that wouldn't germinate naturaly, has no place in my garden.
Good luck & good grow.......BB


hello everyone i am trying to learn all i can about dwc i have limited space so i need to grow hydro i think i have everything i need to grow i have a 3x3x6 tent airpumps fans tubs ph tds meters hid lighting nutes i have everything but knowledge. so i been reading all that i can before i start up also by learning by others fucking up i hope that dont sound rude but the best way to learn is by mistakes that others have made
i have grown before but years ago in soil but never tried hydro there are some real good dwc farmers on this site and i am looking foward to learning as much as i can before start up thank you for taken time to read ...................zx14


New here but glad i found yall been growing for a while but now got new cab and learning top info from some of the best growers...... honest much thanks !!!

Hi everyone I am knew to this website, found it while researching. I am experimenting with hydroponics and this is where I am at. Can you take the larger buds off and continue growing the smaller if the smaller are not ready without flushing the system first or is this not recommended ?

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone I am knew to this website, found it while researching. I am experimenting with hydroponics and this is where I am at. Can you take the larger buds off and continue growing the smaller if the smaller are not ready without flushing the system first or is this not recommended ?
Hi Laurie, I'm an outdoor farmer, but i bet you'll find your answer here: https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/

Good luck & good grow.......BB


hi there every one i want to do a grow journal but don,t no what i got to do to get started please help .
i have got 600 hps 120*120*200 white widow is the bred got them from www.demonseeds.com they got here in 12 days there 4 days old need to work out what to do please help....


Active Member
Hello people of Roll It up , I am dan & I want to grow some Nice stinky buds of The Cheese - Please check my thread out and tell me what you think ... I'll be uploading pictures Daily - If everything goes to plant

I have been growing 1 x Blue Cheese for over a month now ( 11 days into flowering ) about 30 days In veg'n - I Love growing , Smoking & talking about It ...This is the only place where I can come tell people what I think about smoking Mj , Growing Mj & talking about It In general

Thanks for reading my post If you did , Much appreciated - Hope you get in touch with me soon , Or just leave me a comment on my Thread ... That would be nice
Hello, newbie member, just wanted to say hi from Brisbane, I will be going for my first ever grow shortly, I've bought the seeds, just getting together the other bits and pieces....i'm attempting a stealth grow as the missus is dead set against the idea :) all the best guys, Jake


Active Member
Brand new here, just signed up. Did like 8 hours of reading before I actually signed up 'cause I was so into it.
RiU is amazing. What's good to everyone :D
Quick question: How do you control humidity inside a growbox? and do you even need to? Do certain stages require certain amounts of humidity? Thanks
...and so, Hello all! :bigjoint:

Have joined this site because in the near future I intend to get growing some of the good stuff.

First impressions is there is a wealth of info here, just what the amateur like me needs and so, thanks in advance.

I hail from the UK where Pot is getting ever more expensive; £30 for 1/8 oz. or £10 for a measley gram in my area (Norfolk). Personally I think those prices are quite insane :wall:

Hello everyone,
Just wanted to put in my 2 cents. I am new to the site and I found it so interesting and informative. I am trying to figure out how to grow on my own. I don't really want a lot, just enough that I don't have to buy anymore. Want to do it the right way though. If anyone has any advice, feel free to let me know.