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Active Member
Hi, Im from Chester England and have been a smoker for 20 years. The price and availability of quality green around here is harsh so Ive decided to try and grow my own. How hard can it be right?:mrgreen:
I am about a month into my first attempt and here is what ive done so far so you can have a laff.

First I cleared out a closet upstairs (approx 3foot by 3 and a half and 8foot high) and painted it brilliant white. I ordered a 600 watt HPS light with reflector and ballast and hung it in the closet. I put a plastic sheet on the floor and a thermometer inside but when i closed the door with the light on the temperature went up to over 100f! After some advice i installed an extractor fan in the ceiling and the temperature is 85f max now. I was ready to get seeds.

I purchased 10 Afghani Big Bud seeds from a local shop but forgot to ask for feminised seeds so will wait and see. I ended up with 3 seedlings but when they were about 10 days old i got some feminised white widow seeds and planted 3 of them aswell incase the others are all male:cry:.
I never used flourescents, they have been under the hps since germination. I nearly killed the big bud seedlings by underwatering(the soil dries out quick under the hps!) but they were recovering well till i nearly poisoned them with too many nutes:roll:. I know, but i managed to flush them out and today they look much better, just some yellow patches on a few leaves.

The w/w seedlings are about 10 days old now and the b/b 21 days and both seem to be doing well. I intend to wait till the w/w plants are about 20inches tall then flower them all together. The b/b will prob be about 3
foot by then so should get some good yield:blsmoke: Im getting some fluorescents for my next grow cos having the hps on 24 hours a day is costing a fortune.

Well i will put more pics on and let everyone see the plants progress if anyone is interested. Please let me know if you have suggestions and thanks for looking in, smoke safely!
plants 015.jpg plants 011.jpg plants 012.jpg plants 007.jpg


Well-Known Member
those look really good to me for a little over 20 days... my plants don't amount to a 1/4 of thosea and they are 10days old, lol


Well-Known Member
Hi, Im from Chester England and have been a smoker for 20 years. The price and availability of quality green around here is harsh so Ive decided to try and grow my own. How hard can it be right?:mrgreen:
I am about a month into my first attempt and here is what ive done so far so you can have a laff.

First I cleared out a closet upstairs (approx 3foot by 3 and a half and 8foot high) and painted it brilliant white. I ordered a 600 watt HPS light with reflector and ballast and hung it in the closet. I put a plastic sheet on the floor and a thermometer inside but when i closed the door with the light on the temperature went up to over 100f! After some advice i installed an extractor fan in the ceiling and the temperature is 85f max now. I was ready to get seeds.

I purchased 10 Afghani Big Bud seeds from a local shop but forgot to ask for feminised seeds so will wait and see. I ended up with 3 seedlings but when they were about 10 days old i got some feminised white widow seeds and planted 3 of them aswell incase the others are all male:cry:.
I never used flourescents, they have been under the hps since germination. I nearly killed the big bud seedlings by underwatering(the soil dries out quick under the hps!) but they were recovering well till i nearly poisoned them with too many nutes:roll:. I know, but i managed to flush them out and today they look much better, just some yellow patches on a few leaves.

The w/w seedlings are about 10 days old now and the b/b 21 days and both seem to be doing well. I intend to wait till the w/w plants are about 20inches tall then flower them all together. The b/b will prob be about 3
foot by then so should get some good yield:blsmoke: Im getting some fluorescents for my next grow cos having the hps on 24 hours a day is costing a fortune.

Well i will put more pics on and let everyone see the plants progress if anyone is interested. Please let me know if you have suggestions and thanks for looking in, smoke safely!
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Welcome to our forum, of course you know we are going to need a journal from you with all of this information repeated. Several posts in this thread that tell you one way of doing tha, a lot of folks already know. Thanx for the pictures, we like pictures. Once you have your journal caught up be sure and send a link to Garden Knowm, he is heading up our Grow journal competition. VV:blsmoke:


Active Member

I just found this site because I am interested in growing some plants in a small closet. I've never grown cannabis before, but I did get A's my Biology classes. :wink:

I'm going to start out with clones and I want to use this spare PC case, is that something that you would recommend? Or what about the Aerogarden?

Any helpful links to my questions will be appreciated. I'll be browsing the rest of this forum trying to find the answers.

Thanks, th3gh05t


Active Member
hey everyone. just got my medical recommendation here in cali and bought my first clones to try to grow - an ak-47 and a deep chunk/strawberry cough cross. and just my luck, after i come home with the dc/sc, i read that it's recommended for advanced growers. :oops: i'm looking forward to getting and giving tips here!


Well-Known Member
new to the site, have been scanning your forums, and must say that i have picked up so much information it would have been rude not to register, anyhow will be starting a grow in about a month, coco only, handwatered, using complete hesi coco range, 150w cfl for for early seedlings, then up to 400w mh/hps, area is 9 sqf, using scrog method ,seeds are gh white rhino feminised. will be starting 4 and keeping 1 for a rainy day.


Well-Known Member
hey everyone. just got my medical recommendation here in cali and bought my first clones to try to grow - an ak-47 and a deep chunk/strawberry cough cross. and just my luck, after i come home with the dc/sc, i read that it's recommended for advanced growers. :oops: i'm looking forward to getting and giving tips here!
im sure you,ll be ok. start at the deep end and you have to learn, plenty of exp growers here to guide you on your mission :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hi guys im new here for about ten minutes. I just got my ebb and flow hydro system up and going last saturday. I have put about 13 in the tray that i got from clones i would have to say they are about 2 maybe 3 weeks old not all the same height few inches in difference but they are catching up. I have my setup to water every 2 hours i am using dutch nutrient gro a & b. in a 20 gallon resevoir. my ph seems to be dead on i'm just using the drops and comparing it to the colour chart on the bottle and it is the colour of light looking beer which is perfect i've been told. i mixed 5ml to every one litre of water which works out to 250ml of A&B to the resevoir. i am noticing that the colour of the plants are mor of a lighter green and the stocks are partially red not totally. almost every plant has the smaller leaves at the bottom that are yellow, and i noticed small brown dots on some of the tops of the plants but new growth everyday! i even noticed on one plant that the root system has one root protruding through the 4 inch rockwool cube. Can anyone point me in a direction here not sure if theyre fine or i have nutrient defiency prob. and is their any way of measuring the level of nutrients so i can pin point problems. without buying a $100 ec tester maybe a drop test kit or something. i also have the plants under 24 hours light and the different size plants seperated to bring the lights closer to them. I can send pics if someone could help me thank you very much. happy smokin


Active Member
Good Evening everyone! This is my first time attempting to growm my own medicine.
I live in Hawaii and am growing basically on my back deck. No artificial light, I repotted and separated the plants on day 60 into 5 gal containers with 2 plants each.
I have a plant i am wondering if i have waited too long to harvest. I have several plants but this was the first to "flower" all the rest have the fine hairs and small unopened buds. This is my first time so I really have no idea of what I am looking for, Help me if you can... I am at day 65 from planting not real sure about when we started flowering, sorry.
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Well-Known Member
Do you realize that the first picture is a male plant? The second is female, but probably pollenated and full of seeds by now.... The buds of the female plant aren't going to open like that, the male plants flowers open to release the pollen.



Active Member
Hey @__________@ the names spacekadet, im a first time grower. im going to today to get all my supplies for hydro/aeroponics [whatever right?] I already got a 20 gallon tank at my house and im going to get an air pump some tubing and a bubble wand. thats my stop at the pet store then i gotta go to a hardware store to get my lighting stuff and finally i need to know where to get the nutrient stuff for the plants. this is all alot more complicated then i had originally thought. O__O'


Well-Known Member
Do you realize that the first picture is a male plant? The second is female, but probably pollenated and full of seeds by now.... The buds of the female plant aren't going to open like that, the male plants flowers open to release the pollen.

Yeah what she said is dead on.
Here is another guide for you so that you can maybe catch them earlier next time and get rid of the males before they "screw" your females and its too late.



Active Member
Thanks! This plant did not show signs of being "male" at first. I pulled all the plants with "balls" I have early pictures of this plant when it had hairs on it but it just flowered out after a few weeks and filled in. Never looked like the other males, Damn I hope i didn't ruin the rest of my girls. They are all just now filling in and looking pretty. Nothing I have read says anything about the flowers opening up so I was very confused, could this have been a herm? I immediatly cut it off this morning. so "hopefully" it did the least amount of harm to the others.


Active Member
hi... im super new at this, my name is michelle.... i just got my own apt and i started 5 seeds... we first put them in a cup of water and they sprouted a little bit, then we moved them to a ziplock bag inside wet paper towels... my friend said to put them in soil when they are about an inch long... well one of them is like ready... so i need basically a run down or what i need to do at this point... i.e. lights, fertilizer, plant food, water... how much... when.. how long... yeah... thx


Active Member
hi im planning on starting to grow four plants from seeds! can some one tell me if i can use 125 watt flourescent bulb and when i must start using the light on the seedlings:roll:


Well-Known Member
That will work to start but you will need more light soon. Put the seedling under the light for 24 hours a day as soon as it sprouts. See "GrowFAQ" for more info. Good Luck!

blueberry kid

Well-Known Member
yea im growin two plants tht are about 2 inches tall under a single florescent light. when should i changed to a bigger light? and what should tht light be?