Well my year is over......


Well-Known Member
And it ain't good.
Due to a few different things, all really boiling down to me not having enough time to tend to the garden as I needed (family, work etc.).
I went from about 150 down to about 10 and then finally 1, that one was a mother plant that was always planned to go out but I never hoped for much off her.

I had her out in my yard hiding but started to be too big and the place I had her hidden was starting to turn colors so she was sticking out.
So i transplanted her into a large 10 gallon hole filled with organic super soil. And watered her pretty good.
We have had an uptick in rain so she has been getting plenty and I have been spending as much time as I could with her.
Well I went out to throw up a small cage for her to lean on and realized she wasn't gonna be needing it.
Attached are pics from when I first put her out to how I found her. She has only been out 2 weeks.


Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
So sorry to hear this. That's my nightmare.
I wonder what happened? Too much sun? Not enough water? Too much water? Is that even possible?
Now is a time I'd like to go out and hug my plants closely.


Well-Known Member
Hmm was this just overnight or hadit been a few days? To me it looks like it has to be some kind of moisture stress.


Well-Known Member
Lol Will, I hear ya go hug them ladies show them some love. For all the others that died before this one it was a combination of those things plus a large infestation that was just something that I or anyone that I have told have never heard of or seen.
As for the mother, i don't think its a water issue or to much or little sun. She has been outside for over a month in my yard so she was hardened off. And had been living off of rain water. When I took the bad pics the ground beneath her was still damp, we had some pretty good rain lately. I even dug down a foot and it was damp, not too much but prob right amount.
To me if it was one of those issues the whole plant would look the same. But if you look the back side look maybe a little N def. but still pretty healthy. Look at the healthy plant pics and you'll see she gets the same amount of light on all sides as much as it can anyway.
So i have no idea what the real reason for this drastic change is except.. she is a year old this month and or the transport may have been a little too rough for her.


Well-Known Member
Caveman, I put her out and then it was 2 weeks before I came back. So don't know how long it has been like this, also seems like if it was moisture stress the whole plant would be suffering. Dunno