Bro, you havent suggested any yet. You should rename this thread "fin needs attention" Btw I read your cut and paste blog.. I know they say that there are no orignal ideal but jesus man. I saw your acetone trim oil video, and how you said that rick simpson should get sued for saying that cannabis could cure cancer (which I personally think we could use more research on here in the united states as we have the best scientist in the world, too bad its illegal for them to do so... anyone heard the news about thcv and parkinsons?) Dick move if you ask me. And your oil wasnt boiling thats why it didnt burst when you had the lighter over it fool, do that same thing with IT IN A RICE COOKER LIKE HE DID, and I bet you get different results. You do understand thats what a boil is right, a rapid exchange of liquid to gas? slightly different than evaporation. Or is it Dr Fin? This really is great comic relief I bet its pure fire too haha. And I guess this is really him too... how old are you fin 16? 17? go do your homework. which brings me back to my orignal point. your all talk w nothing to contribute to the forum except other peoples cut and paste pics and know it all opinions. literally the def of a troll. sorry bud.