What are Biden's foreign policies?

Trump wanted a real live debate like we do every election here. Biden wanted to do a virtual one. There's a big difference between live and virtual.

Most presidential candidates also explain the policies they are gonna push for. He kept his mouth shut. And the left winged media just pitched him softball questions that he was prepared for.

But you guys refuse to recognize or believe any of this, and with CNN telling it to you over and over until it's ingrained in your head I'm not too surprised.
Trump was crawling with covid at the time, it was just before the stupid cunt ended up in the hospital with it, antibodies saved his miserable ass.
Then move if you don't like it here.

That's the eventual plan, or hope, but it's not totally fueled out of bitterness for Trumpers, it's somewhat out of fiscal necessity. There are some other first world countries out there with a much better quality of life, at least for the life I want to live, as well as a lower cost of living and healthcare that ranks in the top five in the world, as opposed to 37th or whatever we are.
That's the eventual plan, or hope, but it's not totally fueled out of bitterness for Trumpers, it's somewhat out of fiscal necessity. There are some other first world countries out there with a much better quality of life, at least for the life I want to live, as well as a lower cost of living and healthcare that ranks in the top five in the world, as opposed to 37th or whatever we are.
Why wait?
Because I'm not alone and my life involves the consideration of others, which makes things not as simple as a simpleton may want them to be.
If you need money we can start a Go Fund me page for ya to help get you out of this dreaded Country, lol.
Trump refused the virtual debate and Trump's nickname is "bunkerbitch" for a reason. I'm not saying Biden is awesome, but that fatshit twitter princess you're drunk on is a real piece of work.

That's my take, I prefer stuff way further to the left, but well...Biden is a significantly better president than trump was and has shown it, easily and clearly. Trump was a buffoon from day one. Dipshit kicked his presidency off with bullshit about crowd sizes because he was incompetent, then just continued on with it.
Anybody remember those horrible rap album covers at the end of the 90s that were just a bunch of photoshopped bling. That's exactly how those youtube "documentaries" come across.
Here’s an entirely rational documentary that uses administation officials own words. It’s not one you’ll see on mainstream media because it exposes The truth about the secret war in Syria which began under Obama.
Here’s an entirely rational documentary that uses administation officials own words. It’s not one you’ll see on mainstream media because it exposes The truth about the secret war in Syria which began under Obama.
Im sorry I just can't take her seriously. Do you have someone not pushed by weirdos that is credible?

Im not sure what you mean by 'mainstream media'.
Here’s an entirely rational documentary that uses administation officials own words. It’s not one you’ll see on mainstream media because it exposes The truth about the secret war in Syria which began under Obama.
Good. Finally something that actually moves us on from Trump.

That wasn't a documentary, however. It was a very biased report that covered the US's involvement in Syria and completely ignored the roots of the insurrection and Assad's brutal totalitarian regime. No mention of the war crimes that Assad committed. There was a hilarious point made at the end: that Kamal Harris called out Gabbard for being an Assad apologist when in fact she is an apologist for Assad AND Putin. Also, did I mention that Assad IS a war criminal?

The format of the vid is one that is repeatedly used by propagandists -- a few minutes of factual but selected statements by officials and the rest of the 25 minutes in that vid were filled by a talking head who tells his listeners what to think. He even fills in on the comments made by the officials, even telling his audience what that official was thinking, as if that is possible. So, don't call it a documentary, it was an infomercial.

Putting the fake news aspect of this piece aside, putting the problems with Gabbard aside and putting the bias of this piece aside -- not dismissing how it glosses over the facts with obvious logical fallacies, just saying -- "OK, so there are problems with this video. Keeping that in mind, what does this say about Biden's position in Syria?".

@Choco8 , you do realize that none of this would have happened if Assad had negotiated with the leaders of the uprising that started all of this. Instead, he had them arrested, tortured and murdered. People whose only transgression was to demand civil rights and an end to his dictatorship? What defense is there for that? Why do you expect the US, led by Obama and now Biden, to support a regime like that?

Gabbard is just a useless idiot and a tool for Russia. Forget her. The complaints about US involvement -- I agree with anybody who complains about US's dirty wars -- I want them to stop too. So, what is Biden's foreign policy say about his intent? I'll just note that it doesn't even show up in the top 8 policy objectives listed by Biden's Secretary of State. Maybe due to it not being viewed as a major priority or perhaps it's because they would rather not discuss it. Probably the latter is true.

We have many people with whom we have made alliances over the past decade who are now holed up in the eastern third of Syria. The last thing we want is for ISIL or al-Qaida to gain control of it. Also, the oil and agricultural fields are leverage the US has against Assad. Hence the 500 or so troops in the area holding Syria's oil fields.

The current map is:


The pinkish red area is controlled by Assad's government forces. The yellow area is the one that the narrator in your vid weeped about. In that area is a coalition of Kurdish and rebel militia forces who oppose Assad. Do you propose the US just walk out of the area and abandon the territory to Assad? Why should we abandon allies in favor of a puppet government to Putin?
Im sorry I just can't take her seriously.
What specifically do you think she has wrong on Syria? Can you be specific?

If you don't believe her, watch the whole thing. Listen to what Joe Biden himself says. Listen to what other high ranking people in the Government said. We armed "rebels" with shitloads of weapons and...now they own the province of Idlib. The Russians are actually the GOOD guys here.

By mainstream media, I mean MSNBC, CNN, and the like. Corporate media that reinforces US imperialism with propaganda. They all sing from the same songbook. Aaron in an independent journalist, one of the few people even questioning the Syrian narrative foisted on an amazingly gullible American public.