What Are You Listening To?

Haven't been into the super heavy shit since back in high school. Think Leprosy was their only cd I ever kinda got into. Loved these guys back then.
I go in waves but I'm a metalhead at heart till the day I die. Still have my Headbanger hair. Only take it out of the bun sometimes now. Hahaha. Fucking love heavy metal. Most genres of it as well. I was the guy crowdsurfing, starting the mosh pit, hanging off the ceiling, causing ruckus, just being a downright degen. I've calmed alot since those days. But it's still a part of me
I'll never forget this one local show where a buddies band (shock rock metal) came on stage, in studded leather gstrings, playing porn on the projector....the owner of the club was so horrified he cut the power, well my buddy goes keep playing rip this fucking place apart!!!! And we did. Tore the lights off the walls, ceiling, smashed all the glasses flipped the tables and Moshed to an unplugged band until security threw us all out. Lmao. What a show
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