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Blue Oyster Cult, really early stuff......a nostalgia trip......"Buck Dharma" (lead gutarist), my college roommate's brother-in-law. Best time with them was backstage passes to BOC/Ozzy Osborn, Rochester 1973......fun mayhem!
Blue Oyster Cult, really early stuff......a nostalgia trip......"Buck Dharma" (lead gutarist), my college roommate's brother-in-law. Best time with them was backstage passes to BOC/Ozzy Osborn, Rochester 1973......fun mayhem!
Welcome to the club. We become nostalgia before we claim it.

Hasn't she been credited for being one of the original mainstream rappers? Long time ago her tunes were swamping airwaves.......I was in that "work hard/party my ass off" for decades. Those 80's were tough.
Sorry never looked beyond her chest in those. Damn instincts or something. Had a talented voice when she used it. LOL.
Wow!???? My post is gone. Or embedded. Turrets finger thing.

TY. Those are toy huskies. Mine is 112#'s @ 2.5 years and just filling out. Not a suggested pet. A real one is almost domesticated002.jpg.
I love it! You have a clue. Lazy boy and sofa are too small here. And honestly biggest of the 4 I've seen here. Million pomms in costume. LOL. SNACKS. Hope yours is tolerant of visitors. Mine has gave stitches and 3 new jackets to friends and family that will never return. And I can take food from his mouth. ? I do and don't get it.001.jpg
I love it! You have a clue. Lazy boy and sofa are too small here. And honestly biggest of the 4 I've seen here. Million pomms in costume. LOL. SNACKS. Hope yours is tolerant of visitors. Mine has gave stitches and 3 new jackets to friends and family that will never return. And I can take food from his mouth. ? I do and don't get it.View attachment 4898475
haha. That's a guard dog that I wouldn't mess with. Mine is super loving and just wants to lick faces and be center of attention when company comes over. It takes him a while to stop being a spazz. That's annoying, but I can live with it. On the other hand he doesn't play around when I try to take food out of his mouth. Toys are fine, but with food he flexes his fangs.

He's been snapped at and attacked by other dogs a billion times, but have never fought back. He just wants to be friends with everything and looks genuinely confused as to why the other dog is so angry.
haha. That's a guard dog that I wouldn't mess with. Mine is super loving and just wants to lick faces and be center of attention when company comes over. It takes him a while to stop being a spazz. That's annoying, but I can live with it. On the other hand he doesn't play around when I try to take food out of his mouth. Toys are fine, but with food he flexes his fangs.

He's been snapped at and attacked by other dogs a billion times, but have never fought back. He just wants to be friends with everything and looks genuinely confused as to why the other dog is so angry.
The first year I was waiting for a serious blood fight. Now I am the Alpha male. Pure condition with hand signals. Nipped all 3 of us prior. And the friendliest oversized brute of a teddy bear. Will not bite us in play or over food. You open the door or gate in the backyard??? Well it is legally posted type thing. Love killer. Miss friends and family.
I see @MICHI-CAN is hangin out in here now...heres one for u. You guys didnt see the thread i saw. @GameOverSeeds made a thread, just said "hi i grow pot, im on IG if anyone wants to check me out" and this little fkn shitstain and his butt buddy @bk78 fkn lace into the guy like they're the lord and emperor of ganja..."put up or shut up"...gameover was like "did i accidentally enter a meth forum" was so pissed he deleted the thread...second person ive seen bullied, deleted, and wrote off RIU...oh im sure this cum dribble will unleash his little lol emoji and snarky reply, but i hope him and bk78 die in a fire fk you...fkn faggots