Well-Known Member
I see @MICHI-CAN is hangin out in here now...heres one for u. You guys didnt see the thread i saw. @GameOverSeeds made a thread, just said "hi i grow pot, im on IG if anyone wants to check me out" and this little fkn shitstain and his butt buddy @bk78 fkn lace into the guy like they're the lord and emperor of ganja..."put up or shut up"...gameover was like "did i accidentally enter a meth forum" was so pissed he deleted the thread...second person ive seen bullied, deleted, and wrote off RIU...oh im sure this cum dribble will unleash his little lol emoji and snarky reply, but i hope him and bk78 die in a fire fk you...fkn faggots
Who are you exactly?
You need a snickers