what are you running now ?


New Member
im making a drop regardless.

12 beautiful plants hitting the 4x4 tomorrow morning... saturaday at the latest.

9 choc chunky rom , 1 tastycakes , & 1 sour kush

maybe i should grab a drip manifold ?

gives me 4 taps right off the pump for max pressure.

i have 4 different tables to feed.
seems like a logical solution.



Well-Known Member
GuD i hear ya... I should have enough beans to play with now anyway...on your hydro setup...i dont wanna guess and give bad advice man...I really dont have a clue...other than yeah get a bigger pump..

any advice on what 600w HPS... ballast,bulb ,to get ..on the cheap? I need a hood to for it and another 400w hps and 1000w MH ... I dont need air cooled . go with....adjustawings.com? or anyone know something comparable for cheaper?

and I`m gonna want to run the 600 on a light rail,but I only see 1 on the market by hydrofarm...anyone know of any others? I`ve been going through my stuff....found a new 400w hps bulb,new 1000w MH bulb,,,,bunch of ballasts...

  • Oregonism XL..... it will come in a 1.8 oz pack....I called to confirm
    to add to some good dry fert. that I have that doesnt have any mycorrhizae in it ... makeing it I`m sure much better afterwards. I`ll add 1 pack (1.8 oz)...to this bag of "pure" ...the other I`ll use to make liquid... I filled out the sample form twice...np`s

    So for $6 a 1.8 oz pack...it`s a good deal...I looked around, and its right from the mfg. My other ferts I dug up.. I got a full 2.5 gal bottle of fish hydroslate.. I forgot..about 2lbs left of the kelp powder.

    • Killa Queen X Blue Hammer and friends are sure to be pleased...



New Member

buckethead killing it on this track ...if u like guitar masterwork type musik.


New Member
kelp4less dude gives samples.

one per order.
thats how i got hooked on the kelp powder.

600w ballast... i like magnetic types.

but i've been shopping digi units... cause they're small, reliable, and easy to ship.

im not a fan of the adjustables ... straight 600w units.

i like those micro moles too (i think thats what they're called).

ebay bro. always.
cheap bulbs. ebay again.
i change them every 6 months. so fuck expensive bulbs.

i just keep back ups new and old.


Well-Known Member
kelp4less dude gives samples.

one per order.
thats how i got hooked on the kelp powder.

600w ballast... i like magnetic types.

but i've been shopping digi units... not adjustable... straight 600w units.

i like those micro moles (i think thats what they're called).

ebay bro.
cheap bulbs. ebay again.
i change them every 6 months.
and keep back ups new and old.

GuD...your ..kelp4less link is what got me lookin around... spent $12 for 3.6oz of some good ..endo/ecto-mycorrhizae, beneficial bacteria, and Trichoderma...gonna use it to super charge some of my regular dry ferts.

e-bay right...right

hmmmm hell i mite try to build a light rail...

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Yo Gud are you running a straight path on the line?? With twist and sharp turns their is bound to be pressure loss (Turbulence) in the flow. You most def need a larger pump. Sounds like you got enough line to hog tie a trick!!;-) I would imagine you got it fo 25 of em.

Also try lifting the water rez off the ground a bit. Should help to create a downward force for the line. I'll be back with some good. Links for ya.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
in air circulation every 90 degree turn will slow your air flow by 50% . . . . . . best to have moar power . . oh and reason why , , ,race car

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Common mistakes to avoid
The following list is designed to help you familiarize yourself with some of the most common mistakes made during design and/or installation of a drip irrigation system.

Not enough emitters:
One of the most common mistakes made is not using enough drip emitters. You need to ensure that the plant you are watering will have its entire root system watered. Large plants and/or pots may require many drip emitters or dripline. Try to avoid a situtaion where a plant is relying on only 1 emitter for all water. If the emitter clogs, the plant may die. Ideally, all plants would be able to draw water from at least two sources to protect against cloged emitters. This can be accomplished by using two or more emitters per plant or sharing emitters between plants. The exception to this rule would be small pots (12" or under). With small pots, usually 1 emitter is all that is practical but the clogging risk remains.
Bad placement:
Another mistake is to place the drip emitters too close together or too far apart. Drip emitters should be spaced evenly around the plant and kept at least six (6) inches from the base of the plant. This will help to avoid any fungal infections on the main plant stem. If your plant is on a hill, place the majority of emitters above the plant.
Poor filtration:
Use the correct filter for your drip system. Select the proper screen mesh for the water quality and type of emitters used. We recommend using a filter with a screen mesh of at least 155. Never operate a drip system without proper filtration, doing so is just asking for problems.
Incorrect pressure:
For a drip irrigation system to function properly it must be operated at the correct pressure. (PSI) If you try to put too many emitters on a line your pressure will fall below the operating minimum pressure and your system will fail. If you use an incorrect pressure regulator or none at all, your system will have too much pressure and not operate correctly.
Improper zoning:
"Zoning" refers to grouping large drip systems into "zones" of commonality. Usually, zones are grouped by plant type. Trees are separated from shrubs. Dry climate plants are separated from humid climate plants etc. If you have various soil types you can separate them into zones also. The main thing to remember is, after you get your system running, will you be able to water each plant according to its needs? If you put a large tree on the same line as a small shrub, one of them is probably going to be too dry or too wet.
Wrong watering schedule:
The key to this is, "trial-and-error". Don't just install your new drip system and walk away, trusting that your plants will make it. A drip system is not a "hands off" method of watering. A drip system is a "less hands on than if you had to stand there all summer with a hose" method of watering. You still need to check on the system periodically to ensure that it is working. Adjust the run times for the season. If you have a few days coming up that are 105 degrees, you may want to run the system a little longer. Likewise, if it is unusually cold for the season you may want to shorten the run times to keep from drowning your plants. The key is to watch your plants and pay attention to their needs. But most of all I'd call the manufacturer of Yer system. Or try callin a local hydro store and ask em. Some other links>>

http://www.irrigationtutorials.com/faq/psi-loss-calculator.htm << pressure loss calculator.


Well-Known Member
hey guys.
im running a couple diff thangss.
started 2 jack herra. one turned male but i got one female about to flower.

i got 4 autoflowers on week 3 going on week 4 and their a Northern Lights X Big bud hybrid.
i also have 4 Girlscout cookies on week 3 and 4 hollywood kushes on week 2. the holly wood parents
are Tahoe OG x alien ?? forget the rest of the parents its like 3 or 4. the hollywood kush genes
the breeder said he went through about 100 plants to pick the parents and i believe it
cuz these things are grwoing like weeds . very vigorus plants. there day 14 bigger than the day 26
plants and being grown in same conditions. cant wait to see the flowers on those babies.

keep it real guys. feel free to drop by and add some pics to my thread i started a coulple weeks back
thats pretty similar to this. https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/707675-2013-indoor-grow-show-show-6.html#post9510403
its like a community grow journal for 2013.


Well-Known Member
It's worth noting that commercial drip equipment is designed for 50 psi driving it (city pressure) while hydroponic/pond pumps are designed to deliver a gpm flow and aren't really rated at pressure per se. They are designed to overcome a certain head pressure of vertical piping usually around 6-15 feet. That being said it's more a practice of trial and error timing to produce the volume of flow you need. You might consider 1/4" drip tube loops per pot to mitigate the clogging and provide some back pressure to help you balance your system pressure. If you have specific questions I can help, I was a plumber in a previous life.
puff, puff, pass...

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Oh Gud forgot to tell ya those BB projekts are bout a foot tall and haven't shown sex yet. But I reckon they will soon. Looks like their starting to stretch