What atrocities has the US government committed?


King Tut
Another calls on their keeper ignored user to help, lol.

But seriously, whether a law is just or not, breaking it knowing they are going to fuck you and your entire life, is pretty fucking stupid. I grow, but Ive had a card for years.

But some people like to gamble, and we now know how that worked out for you.
""If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."

Thomas Jefferson


King Tut
I have a close friend (I have few, but they are as close as family, sometimes closer ) whose grandparents were interred. Lost everything.


Well-Known Member
Do the orders still stand?

Of course they do! Have you heard anything to the contrary?!

--One ugly morning in Dickhead's bunker, Sept 2001


Well-Known Member
It is entirely possible to fund roads and streets without creating an automatic lien on a persons home and using threats of force and home theft to ensure the payment.

Also, it's not really "your" street, if you can't control how the maintenance of it is funded.

I knew you'd love that ;)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Nobody was drafted.

Sort of. The people that pay for the wars are always "drafted" in that there is no easy / realistic way for them to refuse to pay for the death and destruction of people they've never met and have no personal issue with.