What bug is this?


Found this bug on my 3 week old plant today, what am I dealing with here?

bug 3.jpg

bug 2.jpg

The leaf I found the bug on has these spots on it:

bug 1.jpg

I'm growing autos indoors.

Today another bug made its way onto my plant, hiding out under one of the nodes. I'm thinking it's an aphid?

bug 4.jpg
I snip the bitten leaf parts off. The spots bitten die off in the next few weeks, spreading any diseases carried by the leafhopper into the plant's capillary system.
As soon as the necrotic parts hit the leaf vein, it collapses.
I snip the bitten leaf parts off. The spots bitten die off in the next few weeks, spreading any diseases carried by the leafhopper into the plant's capillary system.
As soon as the necrotic parts hit the leaf vein, it collapses.
Leafhoppers are notorious for spreading viruses and other diseases. They’re not your friends.