I’m using dr organics living soil, I’ve not fed them anything there 3 weeks old I water with a dry wet cycle never to run off as of yet as I don’t want to make the mistake of overwatering I’m using a marshydro fce4800 480watts and my ppfd is 245 lights on 30% at 3ft from canopy the only thing I’ve done is we I first started growing I ph the water from 7.85 to 5.9 the soil say I don’t have to ph my water because the garden lime buffers the ph for me so I changed back to my original tap waterWhat type of soil, what have you fed it if anything, when do you water and are you watering to run off? What type of light and if you know, what ppfd at the canopy? With that info we can give you much better advice. Thanks
I’m growing in organic soil that has nutrients in it this has gotten worse in the lasts week the plants 3 weeks old it’s started of fine and as just got worseYoung Girls like that are bound to want a slightly different environment nutrient mix or light intensity. I say change nothing for about a week and let her adjust to your set up trouble shooting is most likely to just cause more problems
If it's a true organic soil you would want to keep it consistently moist and not want to have a dry cycle. The microbes in the soil will die off some if they're dry. A mulch layer of something like rice hulls helps to prevent the top from drying to fast. The Jack's line is great but not for an organic soil grow. If you wait until the soil is depleted you could change over to the Jack's or to keep it organic you can use some dry organic amendments from someone like Dr Earth, Gaia Green or DTE. Those would allow you to stay organic and not kill off your soil microbes like the Jack's will.I’m using dr organics living soil, I’ve not fed them anything there 3 weeks old I water with a dry wet cycle never to run off as of yet as I don’t want to make the mistake of overwatering I’m using a marshydro fce4800 480watts and my ppfd is 245 lights on 30% at 3ft from canopy the only thing I’ve done is we I first started growing I ph the water from 7.85 to 5.9 the soil say I don’t have to ph my water because the garden lime buffers the ph for me so I changed back to my original tap water
If it's a true organic soil you would want to keep it consistently moist and not want to have a dry cycle. The microbes in the soil will die off some if they're dry. A mulch layer of something like rice hulls helps to prevent the top from drying to fast. The Jack's line is great but not for an organic soil grow. If you wait until the soil is depleted you could change over to the Jack's or to keep it organic you can use some dry organic amendments from someone like Dr Earth, Gaia Green or DTE. Those would allow you to stay organic and not kill off your soil microbes like the Jack's will.
the organic soil say you have to keep to a wet dry cycle for best resultsIf it's a true organic soil you would want to keep it consistently moist and not want to have a dry cycle. The microbes in the soil will die off some if they're dry. A mulch layer of something like rice hulls helps to prevent the top from drying to fast. The Jack's line is great but not for an organic soil grow. If you wait until the soil is depleted you could change over to the Jack's or to keep it organic you can use some dry organic amendments from someone like Dr Earth, Gaia Green or DTE. Those would allow you to stay organic and not kill off your soil microbes like the Jack's will.
the organic soil say you have to keep to a wet dry cycle for best results
Thanks for the information it much appreciated,my pots are only 1.2 litres and this plant is 3 weeks old it been it this pot for two week so I’m guess it’s running out of food what would be a good option for me now going forward? I’ve not got a bigger pot just yeh I’ll have to order some do you think I could top dress with the soil I’ve got left or would it be better to repot it in a few days wen my pot arrivesI would guess they are getting hungry.. What size pot are you in?
Dr organics living soil is pre charged with all the below ingredients. you do not need to add any other products to Dr organics living soil it is ready to use straight away. already rooted and established plants or germinated seedlings can be planted directly into the soil.
Dr organics living soil contains mycorrhiza fungi mycelium networks already established in the soil medium to promote root growth and nutrient uptake.
When using Dr organics living soil we recommend using a minimum of 135 litres per 1.2msq growing space to ensure adequate nutrition. A 15 litre pot will provide a plant with full nutrition for 4 to 5 weeks veg from seed or 2 to 3 weeks veg from rooted clones plus 8 to 10 weeks of flower providing the 2 8 10 bloom is also used in week 3 and 5 of flower as directed.
Example : use 9 x 15 litre pots per 1.2msq
I’ve checked multiple times for bug I’ve even used a jewellers scope and looked the white dots rub of its just calcium form the water after I spray I’ve sat there for hours looking for bugs and seen none I’ve had sticky pads out all week and no a single bug is on them it seem to be something that starts of mild and get worse the new growth is starting to get yellow tips and that to will get worse in timeIt may be they are getting hungry but @DoubleAtotheRON does bring up a good point, did you check the plants for bugs? There is a lot of suspicious looking white spots on your pics and the leaf damage could be pest related.
just calcium form the water after I spray
I spray them with a mist of water and wen the water drys it leaves a white dot the white dot I believe is calcium from the water that’s what I’ve read somewhere I mite be wrong but it wipes off what ever it isSpray? Calcium? I thought you have not fed anything to them and just giving plain water?
I see your RH is at 70%.... which is good at this stage, but don't spray anything on them ever. Especially while the lights are on. Unless you're using some sort of IPM, then spray after lights out, or a couple of min. before the lights go out. And thrips are very hard to see, even with a loupe. I use a 1200xs microscope with a 7 inch LED screen to find them. They like to hide in the main veins of the bottom of the leaf, and lay eggs on top.I spray them with a mist of water and wen the water drys it leaves a white dot the white dot I believe is calcium from the water that’s what I’ve read somewhere I mite be wrong but it wipes off what ever it is
I’ve only started spraying them last two day and the leafs where already like they are now I’ll not start them again thanks for the advice on that I’ve ordered some bigger pots and I will repot them tomorrow hopefully in a week it will get better I also forgot to mention that I have a auto that as been treated the same and that’s in perfect conditionThat could be the issue right there, afaik you never want to use tap water to foliar feed your plant.