What caused these leaves to go this way? Help diagnosing please!!


Just a couple of photos of leaf problems I've had over the last couple of weeks and I was hoping you guys could point out what the causes where, for future reference.

The first lot are in soil, I put this down to overfeeding.. is that correct?
New growth is curled up and very bright, almost like bleached in appearance.. and other leaves the green looks blotchy.. almost like it's bubbling up like paint (bad description but it's hard to explain). Older leaves are not affected.


And the second lot are in hydro, I put this down to the PH rising too high and maybe some minor overfeeding... again is that correct?
You can see the leaves at the bottom near my hand. New growth is not affected although the leaves are spotted like this to about halfway up the plant.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions guys!


Hate to bump a thread but I'm really interested as to what could of caused these.. especially in the first 2 photos.
Well it looks like it could be overfeeding. I've had similar burn blotchy marks like the one in your hand. Usually they would curl downward if I had really burned them. Heat and wind will also mess with things other than nutrients and can make leaves do weird things. Still looks ok in my book though, keep chuggin.
i had that bonce and it kept hapenning to my leaves on my plant node by node..
i also think its overfeeding, give it a lil flush


Thanks for the replies guys.. was running at EC 2.0 at the start like the bottle suggested.. kept coming back to find it had risen to 2.4 - 2.8 over a couple of days.. most likely the problem!

Have them running at 1.6 now and it seems to be stable so think I've found the sweet spot! The leaves haven't recovered but new growth is healthy.. the best I can hope for really! :)


And the soil ones.. the first 2 photos.. I've just been giving plain water for about a week now.. seem to be recovering.. it was only 1 out of 5 that looked like this but changed the feeding for all of them just incase