What causes a Maijuana Bud to grow?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have very bushy plants and was wondering... Does the fan leaf make the bud grow, or does light contacting the actuall bud make the bud grow.

Would it be ok to trim alot of the leafs in and around the bud, I am talking like 70-80 percent. I want to get as many leafs out of the way so I can open the plant up more.

So, Does the fan leaf cause the bud to grow or the actuall bud itself??


Well-Known Member
Forming buds is all about reproduction via pistals, caylx's etc... Fan leaves and small sugar leaves are all part of the process. Yes, light is a major factor but so is the rest of the growing plant. If your concerened about light reaching your buds (like so many ppl are), just tuck or tie the fans out of the way. No need to get rid of them as your plant uses them.


Well-Known Member
yea i agree fan leaves are very important to plant ....good idea about tyin em out of the way

a good rule of thumb is dont remove a leaf unless it is more than 50 percent damaged


Well-Known Member
Don't ever remove fan leaves before harvest for several reasons.

1. The fan leaves convert and store more energy for the plant than any other leaf. The more energy the plant generates the healthier the buds that is just millions of years of genetics at work.

2. Even if the fan leaves are yellowing in late bloom I do not remove them until they are almost ready to fall off. The yellowing in the fan leaves at late harvest is the plants metabolism at work. She is transferring all stored energy in the fan leaf to bud production. It is the easiest source of energy she has late in life. Once again millions of years of genetics can't be wrong or we wouldn't have weeds to grow now.


From the Growers Bible (Jorge Cervantes)
Leave leaves alone! Removal of healthy leave hacks up a healthy plant. Removing large or shade leaves DOES NOT make plants more productive. This practice DOES NOT supply more light to smaller leaves and growing tips. Plants need all their leaves to produce the maximum amount of chlorophyll and food. Removing leaves slows chlorophyll production, stresses the plant, and stunts its growth. Stress is a growth inhibitor. Remove only dead leaves or leaves that are more than 50 perfect damages.


Are there any REAL scientific experiments out there that says you're not suppose to remove fan leaves? Everytime somebody asks this question, there's always a mixed bag of results.

I ask because when I was growing my mother plant, the bottom fan leaf broke off but the fan leaf on the opposite side was ok. As the days passed, the node where the fan leaf broke off was growing way faster and bigger than the side with the fan leaf still attached. If what people say about not cutting fan leaves off is true, then the node on the side of my mother plant where the fan leaf broke off shouldn't have grown bigger than the side with the fan leaf still attached.

Also, I have a friend who has a non-marijuana plant in his patio that was totally dying. He asked the gardener at his work what to do and the gardener told my friend to trim the bottom leaves off when the top leaves start to shade them. My friend started to do so and the plant is looking healthy as ever.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
"Fan leaves produce sugar that is used in bud production. Cutting away the fan leaves may cause bud growth to stunt, resulting in a smaller harvest. The only time to remove fan leaves is when a plant is either dying, badly burnt or the fan leaf is covering a large bud mass. Light is probably the most important factor in bud development and if the fan leaf is preventing light from reaching a bud you will want to remove or tie it back. Refer to the ScrOG section in Chapter 8 for information on clipping fan leaves."



Well-Known Member
Fan leaves are like the solar panels of the plant. They are photosynthesis sugar factories. Don't remove healthy fan leaves from any plant ever!

welfare train

Active Member
I just let mother nature do it's thing. Most of my fan leaves usually fall off on their own before harvest anyways so I would just let it be unless it's dead anyways.


Well-Known Member
Are there any REAL scientific experiments out there that says you're not suppose to remove fan leaves? Everytime somebody asks this question, there's always a mixed bag of results.

I ask because when I was growing my mother plant, the bottom fan leaf broke off but the fan leaf on the opposite side was ok. As the days passed, the node where the fan leaf broke off was growing way faster and bigger than the side with the fan leaf still attached. If what people say about not cutting fan leaves off is true, then the node on the side of my mother plant where the fan leaf broke off shouldn't have grown bigger than the side with the fan leaf still attached.

Also, I have a friend who has a non-marijuana plant in his patio that was totally dying. He asked the gardener at his work what to do and the gardener told my friend to trim the bottom leaves off when the top leaves start to shade them. My friend started to do so and the plant is looking healthy as ever.
the node that was growing faster was streatching to get more light because its supplier sh!t the bed


Active Member
Seriously,if youve got 2 brain cells to rub together,cutting off the plants biggest and most powerful solar panels,is a really fucking dumb idea

i tuck mine out of the way of totally obscured buds


the node that was growing faster was streatching to get more light because its supplier sh!t the bed
What's that suppose to mean anyways? Are you just saying that to be a dickhead instead of having an open forum where we could discuss the art of growing pot? If so, I feel sorry for your narrow minded ass.

Anyways, if you could see the different nodes, you'd notice it wasn't just STRETCHING but it was PHYSICALLY bigger.


Seriously,if youve got 2 brain cells to rub together,cutting off the plants biggest and most powerful solar panels,is a really fucking dumb idea

i tuck mine out of the way of totally obscured buds
And seriously, if YOU had 2 brain cells to rub together, you'd keep an open mind because I'm going to bet that you're not really a botanist or horticulturist and I bet you're not going to school for either which makes you an armchair quarterback.

You just read what everyone else says and you assimilate it into you're own rhetoric instead of actually experimenting or researching yourself.

I have been trying to find the answer myself. I even search articles and forums on plants that aren't marijuana.

Could you say the same thing? If so, you're conclusion should be the same as mine since you and I have the same internet and we have the same Google.

So what have you found out?


Well-Known Member
Just My 2 Cent's Gents~

Don't ever remove fan leaves before harvest for several reasons.

1. The fan leaves convert and store more energy for the plant than any other leaf. The more energy the plant generates the healthier the buds that is just millions of years of genetics at work.

2. Even if the fan leaves are yellowing in late bloom I do not remove them until they are almost ready to fall off. The yellowing in the fan leaves at late harvest is the plants metabolism at work. She is transferring all stored energy in the fan leaf to bud production. It is the easiest source of energy she has late in life. Once again millions of years of genetics can't be wrong or we wouldn't have weeds to grow now.



Active Member
My $.02:

If we as indoor growers are controlling the amount of food is received, like in a hydro setup for instance. Then the only major use of the leaves are for converting sugars in energy. So, if you gave them a constant supply of food, wouldn't you think that taking off lower shoots that were not getting light, in hopes of sending the auxins up to the buds nearest the light?
Think of it as a plant with multiple "lollipop" colas.



Well-Known Member
no no no guys ,this is what i do, i take off all the fan leaves , side branches and top it then i wait for it to grow as in this pic, been growing like this for 50 years and im only 25 :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
My $.02:

If we as indoor growers are controlling the amount of food is received, like in a hydro setup for instance. Then the only major use of the leaves are for converting sugars in energy. So, if you gave them a constant supply of food, wouldn't you think that taking off lower shoots that were not getting light, in hopes of sending the auxins up to the buds nearest the light?
Think of it as a plant with multiple "lollipop" colas.
The nutrients we "feed" plants is not the same thing as what the plant generates through photosynthesis. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium are the major elements that the plant uses for things like producing chlorophyll, building cell structure etc. The fan leaves are like solar panels. The plant uses them to capture light which is uses for complex chemical reactions (photosynthesis) that take place in the leaves which create sugar. The fan leaves also store up some of these sugars as well as some of the other elements the plant uses. This is of course a simplified version of what's going on with the fan leaves and major nutrients. The micronutrients are used in small amounts by the plant as catalysts for some of the chemical reactions which take place. They also make up some of the structure of the plants cells. In summary I wouldn't recommend removing fan leaves unless they are almost completely dead or about to fall off the plant.


Well-Known Member
What's that suppose to mean anyways? Are you just saying that to be a dickhead instead of having an open forum where we could discuss the art of growing pot? If so, I feel sorry for your narrow minded ass.

Anyways, if you could see the different nodes, you'd notice it wasn't just STRETCHING but it was PHYSICALLY bigger.
excuse me whats yer beef im just sayin why that node seemed to grow faster not sure what your on and yea im sure it did get bigger but notice how now it has a stem before its little top growth. don't start name callin im tryin to help on an open forum get yer ass off your shoulders and wise up i feel srry for you because you dnt know a thing about growing pot cut off all your leaves think it helps spread your wisdom im not subscribing to your bullshit attitude, not narrow minded just know how to grow. good day sir.


excuse me whats yer beef im just sayin why that node seemed to grow faster not sure what your on and yea im sure it did get bigger but notice how now it has a stem before its little top growth. don't start name callin im tryin to help on an open forum get yer ass off your shoulders and wise up i feel srry for you because you dnt know a thing about growing pot cut off all your leaves think it helps spread your wisdom im not subscribing to your bullshit attitude, not narrow minded just know how to grow. good day sir.
This is the part of your quote which I didn't understand: "because its supplier sh!t the bed"

This sounded like you were talking shit about me but if you weren't, I'm sorry dude. I just don't know what that statement meant and if it wasn't derogatory, then I'm sorry.

As you could see after your post, Bluemax was surely talking shit which I find on these boards happens alot. This kind of attitude sucks since people are coming here to learn and share knowledge.

And btw, I don't cut off all my leaves. Nowhere do I condone cutting off all the leaves. I was just proposing a question as to trimming leaves when appropriate. Most people on here are adamant about NOT touching the fan leaves at all but as I delve into the forums some more, I find open minded posters who actually experiment with trimming leaves when appropriate and these people seem to get good results.

Take maxwelljr for instance. It seems to me that he trims the lower leaves off of his plants and it seems to work for him because he's telling us his opinion.

I was researching on how to produce bigger buds. I decided to check out how tomatoes are grown and one thing I found out is that as the tomato is growing, you should remove the green leaves around the stem since these are known as "suckers" and they steal nutrients from the tomato. Since marijuana is similar to tomatoes, I might have thought the same might apply to weed to which I still haven't found a definitive answer.

I'm planning to experiment myself and when I find out, I'll share the info with you all.

Anyways, tusseltussel once again I'm sorry for going off on ya, I just didn't know where you were coming from.


Well-Known Member
This is the part of your quote which I didn't understand: "because its supplier sh!t the bed"

This sounded like you were talking shit about me but if you weren't, I'm sorry dude. I just don't know what that statement meant and if it wasn't derogatory, then I'm sorry.

As you could see after your post, Bluemax was surely talking shit which I find on these boards happens alot. This kind of attitude sucks since people are coming here to learn and share knowledge.

And btw, I don't cut off all my leaves. Nowhere do I condone cutting off all the leaves. I was just proposing a question as to trimming leaves when appropriate. Most people on here are adamant about NOT touching the fan leaves at all but as I delve into the forums some more, I find open minded posters who actually experiment with trimming leaves when appropriate and these people seem to get good results.

Take maxwelljr for instance. It seems to me that he trims the lower leaves off of his plants and it seems to work for him because he's telling us his opinion.

I was researching on how to produce bigger buds. I decided to check out how tomatoes are grown and one thing I found out is that as the tomato is growing, you should remove the green leaves around the stem since these are known as "suckers" and they steal nutrients from the tomato. Since marijuana is similar to tomatoes, I might have thought the same might apply to weed to which I still haven't found a definitive answer.

I'm planning to experiment myself and when I find out, I'll share the info with you all.

Anyways, tusseltussel once again I'm sorry for going off on ya, I just didn't know where you were coming from.
Pruning works differently for different types of plants. MJ has such a relatively short life cycle that it simply doesn't have a lot of time to recover from unnecessary trauma. There are several pruning methods which seem to give the grower more worthwhile bud but they don't necessarily get more yield. I honestly don't believe that trimming off one or two fan leaves is going to stunt the plant. I accidentally bend branches and knock leaves off all the time and it doesn't seem to have much affect. MJ is also a very resilient plant and can take a lot of punishment and still produce a nice harvest. My first indoor grow is a testament to that.