What could be causing this?


Active Member

It looks like bleaching but im not sure from what, I am using super soil, and only feeding water.

Will tap water cause this, never had this issue before so im at a loss><
point in the right direction please


Active Member
It looks like Cal-Mag problem but another local grower friend of mine had leaves like this and we tried everything. We ended up pulling up a sick looking leaf and put it under 60x micro and saw tons of tiny white 'micro maggets'. I know you've never heard of em, thats cause we couldn't find the little creatures anywhere so we made up the name. Spraying the tops and bottoms of the leaves once a week with Azamax killed em all.


Active Member
ya i though about bugs and have checked for them a few times>< Ill check again, also ill add some cal mag to one of them and see if it improves^^ thanks HG!


Well-Known Member
I get something very similar to that on one of mine [outdoors] I was attributing it to too much water....But, with mine, it seems to come and go....


Well-Known Member
Test your water run off and check for PH around 6.8-7.

Cant be sure by picture but looks to needs calcium or lime.


Active Member
looks like nute burn to me!

Details never hurts!

Size pots?
Water schedule?
Do you treat the Tap water?(leave over night to allow the chlorine to evap)
So on...

All plays into what is going on!


Active Member
IM not sure if its nute burn. They are just now showing signs of it, and they are in super soil, feed only tap water(not left out)

5 gallon pots, strains shown are bubba kush and fruity pebble og. watered ever 3 days
Did you let the supersoil "cook" long enough after you mixed it? If I had to guess I'd think nute burn but I'm not sure, I gotta leave the diagnosis to the more experienced growers. If you don't give the supersoil enough time to break down before using it, it can definitely burn though

also I'd try not to use tap water. we have super high tds/hardness here, and the chlorine is supposed to be bad for the microbes that are essential to an all-organic formula like ss


Well-Known Member
If you suspect nute burn, a good flush should not hurt. I have heard SS can be a little hot.
...I'm not the best person to be answering, either...
That is prolly stain dependent and how it was mixed.
Regardless of recipes...no two cooks will do it the same....so to speak


Well-Known Member
Looks like nute lockout. The leaves show curling from drinking extra water to find some cal/mag it looks like. get your ph corrected.
Otherwise it looks like needs cal mag. Sucking up the extra water is also causing a little nute burn too


Active Member
Looks like nute lockout. The leaves show curling from drinking extra water to find some cal/mag it looks like. get your ph corrected.
Otherwise it looks like needs cal mag. Sucking up the extra water is also causing a little nute burn too
The go to guide....

View attachment 2726278

As noted above; check PH and adjust.