What could it be...hmmmmm???


Just when you think ya got it figured out ...lol so here is the rundown...2 weeks into flower 2 600 w HPS Digilux and 1 1000w HPS digi,in 15 gallon buckets
Been feeding light with Iguana,Micro,and Karma...then got talked into feeding with House and Garden...I know bad idea mid grow....trust me Im paying or it:(So Feed 1/2 strength Soil A and B,Drip Clean,and Accelorator, then three days later he feed again...:( And sure as Sh*^&% burned and problems...so we flushed 3xs amount of water and its been 9 days...and leaves still falling off and dying fast,I switched back to Iguana and feed 1/4 strength and its been 4 days...so no progress....HELP any suggestions ???