what did i do?

so i have a three day old plant, and it already seems to be having problems :-? it has like yellowish tips, looks kind of dry or maybe wrinkly. What do i do?

phone camera sorry



Well-Known Member
i lost a bunch from nute burn switch to water and nothing else till its 4-6 inches or so tall it might just keep growing but mine fell over and died ,don't let the little ones like that get dry either or to wet to long, that small it hard to not mess them up


Active Member
i dont think your suppose to use nutes till the first set of true leaves or something. ive never used them before though so ya dunno i always grow natural outside with plain water lol


Well-Known Member
i dont think your suppose to use nutes till the first set of true leaves or something. ive never used them before though so ya dunno i always grow natural outside with plain water lol
that sounds right they don't need nutes yet