What did I do?

I germinated four seeds

Transplanted into rock wool

Placed in aerogarden pod with cap

Seedlings sprouted

Stock is green and healthy but the cotyledon turned kinda brown and limp as the first leaves were starting to show. I removed the dome well before the sprout had chance to reach it. Too early? Perhaps the box was too warm? I'm not sure what went wrong, would like to know if it was human error and if there are some tips and tricks some green thumbs would like to share. Until then,


bud bootlegger
you didn't do anything at all wrong.. perfectly normal for the coty's to dry up and die off once the first few sets of real leaves grow... :D
Yeah it died
germinated two more, they sprouted in about 12 hours :D

Transplanted into ag6 deluxe super w/e thing I have rigged up in a box lined with mylar equipped with two sun blaster cfls a 4inch intake and 2inch circulating fan. One in rock wool the other in soilless mix provided by aerogarden. I planted them about 2/3inch into respective medium. Im aware theyre supposed to be dark still so i placed a chunk of damp soiless mix over top each,is that kosher?

I'm using generals seedling mix (micro gro bloom rapid start) at 50% strength and 6.0 ph.

Hit me back, curse me and ridicule my newbi-ness and mistakes. Lol. Be kind rewind.

Thanks guys.