What did you accomplish today?

I feel you. I've got a cold, sinus infection, ear infection and now a tooth getting an abscess.

I was thinking about asking the wife to just shoot me and put me out of my misery.

i feel all of you allergies down where i'm at are killing me and my wife.....

have you got alot of Vitamin C and maybe a little Zinc, or all around Vitamin pill with Zinc in it.....that will help with the cold, that's whats we do

for the tooth, you can try crushing up a asprin and putting it on your tooth....
i feel all of you allergies down where i'm at are killing me and my wife.....

have you got alot of Vitamin C and maybe a little Zinc, or all around Vitamin pill with Zinc in it.....that will help with the cold, that's whats we do

for the tooth, you can try crushing up a asprin and putting it on your tooth....
I've got that stuff. I even have willow instead of aspirin. Take a little willow and put it on the tooth. Works for a lot of stuff.

I'm not one to get sick. I rarely get sick. Man this time this stuff hit hard. Feels like someone hit me in the face with a 2x4.
I think I've been kidnapped ....or I'm dead and I'm wherever you end up when your dead .....it's very dark and appears to be 9:53 ....I can here people conversing off in the distance..... I'm afraid if I get up from whatever comfortable thing I'm laying on....they'll kill me,,,,AGAIN!!!!

Here's the thing, I really have to pee and I think a shits coming on to. I woke up in this strange place with a rock hard raging boner......((morning wood)).... But now my huge pornstar boner is gone because I've waited to long to pee. SSSHHHHH, I see light ...... I feel I have no choice but to man up and be courageous and a real badass. I'm not guna lay here in this strange place and just die ......IM GOING FOR IT GUYS,,,

((Runs out screaming like a little bitch))
spoken like a pro. You are right nothing worse than wiping up pee before your eyes start working.
We pee by hearing in the night.
My brother in laws boy was staying with a relative we were at the same time. He was about 10 at the time. He had a habit of missing the toilet. No one had corrected it. He would piss in the bathroom floor and go back to bed and someone else would clean it.

I got up to go to the bathroom and stepped in piss and soaked my socks. I was mad. I jerked the boy out of bed and gave him a good talking to and made him clean it up.

To beat it all his mommy got mad at me for what I did. I told her that no one else was correcting him. Told her to shut her mouth and thank me. He wouldn't be pissing the floor anymore and if he did he would clean it up.

In case the ladies want to join.