What did you accomplish today?

Oh ok .....carry on

I had a Schwinn stolen from me while I was on vacation once. I use to race BMX as a kid ....pretty sure that and motorcycle racing is why I feel like I'm 72 years old ....wake up in the morning thinking I'm stepping on packing plastic ...but it's just my body popping back into place....can't take pain meds because I love them ......but il never forget getting that bike back ....my brother and I were coming home from school and I saw a kid riding my black Schwinn .....My brother drove a 1982 Subaru Brat at the time ....we chased that kid all over Gods creation ....finally a sheriff saw the commotion and stopped the bike and us ....long story short my mother use to make us boys put her business card inside the frames of our bikes ......I told the sheriff that and since the serial numbers were gone ....he let me prove it ....sure enough there was my moms business card in the rear tube of the frame .....lol.....Cop kept the bike and called the bike shop .....about 4 hrs later I got it back ......The very next day I knocked myself out cold on a huge step up near my house.

My father was actually driving down the street and saw this dude riding the bike i was only about 9 at the time, and that's how i got it back, it sucks when something like that is stolen from you.

500mg of paracetamol works for toothache
I accidentally broke off a tiny bud of @Bob Zmuda 's Lucky Charms and took 1 hit it was at 6 weeks and 1 hit landed me on my ass. damn, @lahadaextranjera used to harvest early
Hey! How are you? Long time!

I still do ✂️ early sometimes! Just cut Amnesia at 9.5 weeks and they were telling me to go longer! It's a Sativa hybrid-why?
I still cut my 60 days blue rhino at 63 days though.. it just depends.. don't cut indica strains early, that's all I can add!

I'm starting Do Si Dos next and lemon Larry.. it's gone all American here! Best strains in the world!