What did you accomplish today?

So much for that idea
Some people leave the legs and wings. They just cut the breast out.

The breast is good. Sliced thin and rolled in flower and cook in a cast iron skillet. Make gravy with the left over bits and oil. Home made biscuits. Mmmmmmm.

I save the legs, thighs and wings up until I have enough to fill a crock pot up. Cook them over night and remove bones. Make soup or bbq from the meat.

Waste not, want not.
My wife and I pulled the canopy off the pickup and hauled all the branches I trimmed off my trees this winter to the recycling place, put the canopy back on, and I worked on getting the nice tight steering rack out of a '78 Fiesta I'm junking. About to go play Electronic Battleship, drink some whiskey and smoke some Chernobyl. All in all a fairly productive day at Napsalot manor.