Turned on my AC yesterday. The temp has gone up inside since then.

Everything inside looked good, the thermostat was working and the intake fan was running.
I went outside to check the condenser unit. It was running, on an 11 second cycle.

8 sec on 3 sec off.

. Guess I'll be paying for a repair visit on Monday.

Until it's fixed I'm leaving my grow lab open to help cool part of the house.
We went to my dads house today and he wanted to turn on his AC. Of course
everything done at his house is complicated, whether it needs to be or not.
I think he had help from NASA to design his system. Most just change the settings
at the thermostat. Not at his house. To switch from heat to cool you have to "turn this valve,
that valve and another one just around the corner. Press this button for 8 sec then flip
that switch on the wall. Now turn off the heater by turning this valve, flip those switches,
then turn the other valve over top of the unit."
It does not have to be this way. He could actually do things the easy way, just as the rest of
the modern world does, by switching the settings at the thermostat. All of the complex
valves, switches and buttons could be left alone and his AC would be normal.
"Do what I tell you, that's the way it is done." He is a control freak from way back.
Any type of maintenance at his place, comes with complex instructions, all the way down
to how to put gas in the lawn mower and he has no problems in repeating the instructions
every time anything is needed. And when I say "OK, I got it." he continues with his instructions
until he has covered all that is on his mind. In the time it takes him to explain, I could have filled
the mower and almost have the lawn done.
I've learned to listen to his spiel then just go and get things done the most efficient
way possible.