What did you accomplish today?

Yesterday I was doing yard work in the flower beds, it started raining so I took the time to do something I’ve been putting off. I got out my bags and got all my trim together and made some hash. E135068C-4F38-43F1-81E3-F2A14F5D5A23.jpeg I got 5 wet grams. Like grandma always said, waste not want not.
Some asshole just parked his running truck in my driveway to go to a neighbors yard sale. My driveway is heavily marked "No trespassing / no parking". When i started screaming at him to move it he gave me shit, so I told him I was going to move it for him. This guy charged me like he was going to spear me, so I pulled out my knife, no one's laying a hand on me.Now I'm waiting to see if he actually called the cops like he said he did.

Yay. Fuck the police!
i'd just go slash all 4 of his tires, then call a tow truck, let him deal with them
I've thought about it, but my whole issue is that these people drive off the edge of my driveway when they turn around, breaking the edges. I don't want a truck with 4 flats and a tow truck in my driveway to possibly fuck it up worse. It's an ongoing issue, the police have been called before and I'm always in the wrong because I'm pissed off and loud. Excuse me for getting mad at dealing with the same fucking issue, people illegally parking in my driveway, repeatedly, causing property damage and you won't do shit about it. I thought police were supposed to go after the ones breaking the law? One reason I fucking hate cops.

I've been trying to think of something to do that'd fuck their cars up without being obvious I did it, they can't see their car when they're at the neighbors so it shouldn't be hard. A handful of sand in the oil pan and tranny or something. Loosen some brake fittings? Pinhole in a fuel line near the exhaust? Sprinkle some ricin in the air vents? Satanic ritual unleashing demons to haunt thier car? Call in a suspicious vehicle and put a box with a bunch of wires in thier back seat? Loosen lug nuts?

Actually, I'm thinking of getting a box of stinkbombs, toss a couple in the window and hope they step on them.

And I should get a bunch of these "I love penis" bumper stickers.
I've thought about it, but my whole issue is that these people drive off the edge of my driveway when they turn around, breaking the edges. I don't want a truck with 4 flats and a tow truck in my driveway to possibly fuck it up worse. It's an ongoing issue, the police have been called before and I'm always in the wrong because I'm pissed off and loud. Excuse me for getting mad at dealing with the same fucking issue, people illegally parking in my driveway, repeatedly, causing property damage and you won't do shit about it. I thought police were supposed to go after the ones breaking the law? One reason I fucking hate cops.

I've been trying to think of something to do that'd fuck their cars up without being obvious I did it, they can't see their car when they're at the neighbors so it shouldn't be hard. A handful of sand in the oil pan and tranny or something. Loosen some brake fittings? Pinhole in a fuel line near the exhaust? Sprinkle some ricin in the air vents? Satanic ritual unleashing demons to haunt thier car? Call in a suspicious vehicle and put a box with a bunch of wires in thier back seat? Loosen lug nuts?

Actually, I'm thinking of getting a box of stinkbombs, toss a couple in the window and hope they step on them.

And I should get a bunch of these "I love penis" bumper stickers.
Some asshole just parked his running truck in my driveway to go to a neighbors yard sale. My driveway is heavily marked "No trespassing / no parking". When i started screaming at him to move it he gave me shit, so I told him I was going to move it for him. This guy charged me like he was going to spear me, so I pulled out my knife, no one's laying a hand on me.Now I'm waiting to see if he actually called the cops like he said he did.

Yay. Fuck the police!
Fuck the police? In this instance he is trespassing in a marked zone and you engaged in self-defense. You should have blocked him in and called the cops and had them cite him. Let him sort out his anger issues with the guy in the black dress.

I've thought about it, but my whole issue is that these people drive off the edge of my driveway when they turn around, breaking the edges. I don't want a truck with 4 flats and a tow truck in my driveway to possibly fuck it up worse. It's an ongoing issue, the police have been called before and I'm always in the wrong because I'm pissed off and loud. Excuse me for getting mad at dealing with the same fucking issue, people illegally parking in my driveway, repeatedly, causing property damage and you won't do shit about it. I thought police were supposed to go after the ones breaking the law? One reason I fucking hate cops.

I've been trying to think of something to do that'd fuck their cars up without being obvious I did it, they can't see their car when they're at the neighbors so it shouldn't be hard. A handful of sand in the oil pan and tranny or something. Loosen some brake fittings? Pinhole in a fuel line near the exhaust? Sprinkle some ricin in the air vents? Satanic ritual unleashing demons to haunt thier car? Call in a suspicious vehicle and put a box with a bunch of wires in thier back seat? Loosen lug nuts?

Actually, I'm thinking of getting a box of stinkbombs, toss a couple in the window and hope they step on them.

And I should get a bunch of these "I love penis" bumper stickers.

Crappie fun to catch and so very useful
I've thought about it, but my whole issue is that these people drive off the edge of my driveway when they turn around, breaking the edges. I don't want a truck with 4 flats and a tow truck in my driveway to possibly fuck it up worse. It's an ongoing issue, the police have been called before and I'm always in the wrong because I'm pissed off and loud. Excuse me for getting mad at dealing with the same fucking issue, people illegally parking in my driveway, repeatedly, causing property damage and you won't do shit about it. I thought police were supposed to go after the ones breaking the law? One reason I fucking hate cops.

I've been trying to think of something to do that'd fuck their cars up without being obvious I did it, they can't see their car when they're at the neighbors so it shouldn't be hard. A handful of sand in the oil pan and tranny or something. Loosen some brake fittings? Pinhole in a fuel line near the exhaust? Sprinkle some ricin in the air vents? Satanic ritual unleashing demons to haunt thier car? Call in a suspicious vehicle and put a box with a bunch of wires in thier back seat? Loosen lug nuts?

Actually, I'm thinking of getting a box of stinkbombs, toss a couple in the window and hope they step on them.

And I should get a bunch of these "I love penis" bumper stickers.
Next time, while he can't see, find and take the vehicle registration. Don't let him know. If it escalates and the cops come, he has no registration. If no escalation, eventually he'll get stopped and , oh my, no registration. Or road flares+a quart of gas
Fuck the police? In this instance he is trespassing in a marked zone and you engaged in self-defense. You should have blocked him in and called the cops and had them cite him. Let him sort out his anger issues with the guy in the black dress.

Crappie fun to catch and so very useful
The last time I stopped someone from leaving before the police showed up I was threatened with arrest for kidnapping and grand theft, o_O, so that's not happening again.

Funny you say crappie. I was just talking about getting my fishing license to go catch some pumpkinseeds for my compost. No limit on them so I can bring buckets full home. One more reason, now.
Some asshole just parked his running truck in my driveway to go to a neighbors yard sale. My driveway is heavily marked "No trespassing / no parking". When i started screaming at him to move it he gave me shit, so I told him I was going to move it for him. This guy charged me like he was going to spear me, so I pulled out my knife, no one's laying a hand on me.Now I'm waiting to see if he actually called the cops like he said he did.

Yay. Fuck the police!
Glad you're back, bro, missed you. Especially glad because everyone can stop wearing those stupid avatars, I'm not that smart and it was confusing me...

Thanks dude......I just parked my truck in some guys driveway and he pulled a knife on me when I rushed him......I told him I was calling the cops. I'm actually having some dynamite delivered as we speak.
