What did you accomplish today?

The last time I stopped someone from leaving before the police showed up I was threatened with arrest for kidnapping and grand theft, o_O, so that's not happening again.

Funny you say crappie. I was just talking about getting my fishing license to go catch some pumpkinseeds for my compost. No limit on them so I can bring buckets full home. One more reason, now.
Blocking someone who has trespassed and effecting a Citizen's Arrest is merely apprehending a criminal. I think the crappie solution is far more elegant.
I need 2 more 55 gal. plastic drums. I'm at my 160 gal. capacity and have to bleed off the catch barrel.
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So I'm on water watch tonight. Fall asleep and the rain stops, that barrel will be empty in the morning.

Got 97% of the garage empty. Takes time to set shit up.

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back at it tomorrow.
You need one of these.
Cleaned up my garage, swapped out my snow tires, then vacuumed my car. One of the snow tires i took off had huge dry cracks in the sides i didn't notice, guess they're done. Wish i saw it before i took them off,, I woulda went and burned em down. I figure I've had this set of snow tires something like 10 years, so I can't complain. Bridgestone Blizzaks, they're expensive but worth it.
I've thought about it, but my whole issue is that these people drive off the edge of my driveway when they turn around, breaking the edges. I don't want a truck with 4 flats and a tow truck in my driveway to possibly fuck it up worse. It's an ongoing issue, the police have been called before and I'm always in the wrong because I'm pissed off and loud. Excuse me for getting mad at dealing with the same fucking issue, people illegally parking in my driveway, repeatedly, causing property damage and you won't do shit about it. I thought police were supposed to go after the ones breaking the law? One reason I fucking hate cops.

I've been trying to think of something to do that'd fuck their cars up without being obvious I did it, they can't see their car when they're at the neighbors so it shouldn't be hard. A handful of sand in the oil pan and tranny or something. Loosen some brake fittings? Pinhole in a fuel line near the exhaust? Sprinkle some ricin in the air vents? Satanic ritual unleashing demons to haunt thier car? Call in a suspicious vehicle and put a box with a bunch of wires in thier back seat? Loosen lug nuts?

Actually, I'm thinking of getting a box of stinkbombs, toss a couple in the window and hope they step on them.

And I should get a bunch of these "I love penis" bumper stickers.
bleach in the gas tank is what really works, if you want to just flat fuck up an engine. it'll start, run for a few minutes, long enough to get them away from your house, then the bleach hits the carb and it's all over, everywhere the bleach goes, it oxidizes everything it touches. they'll have to use that engine for parts
I've thought about it, but my whole issue is that these people drive off the edge of my driveway when they turn around, breaking the edges. I don't want a truck with 4 flats and a tow truck in my driveway to possibly fuck it up worse. It's an ongoing issue, the police have been called before and I'm always in the wrong because I'm pissed off and loud. Excuse me for getting mad at dealing with the same fucking issue, people illegally parking in my driveway, repeatedly, causing property damage and you won't do shit about it. I thought police were supposed to go after the ones breaking the law? One reason I fucking hate cops.

I've been trying to think of something to do that'd fuck their cars up without being obvious I did it, they can't see their car when they're at the neighbors so it shouldn't be hard. A handful of sand in the oil pan and tranny or something. Loosen some brake fittings? Pinhole in a fuel line near the exhaust? Sprinkle some ricin in the air vents? Satanic ritual unleashing demons to haunt thier car? Call in a suspicious vehicle and put a box with a bunch of wires in thier back seat? Loosen lug nuts?

Actually, I'm thinking of getting a box of stinkbombs, toss a couple in the window and hope they step on them.

And I should get a bunch of these "I love penis" bumper stickers.

Put big rocks where they park if it’s your land. Problem solved.