What did you accomplish today?

Got my stumps ground out today, farmer friend with a stump grinder came over and did it for $40. Not bad considering the size of the stumps.
Also got the deck framed out. Decided to use my old boards to save some time and money. I picked out the best ones and cut what I needed. They're 2x12" which is overkill on a 10ft deck so they'll probably outlast even this one.
The hellish, grueling opening season is officially over for me. Opened my last pool day. Still going to be pretty busy the next 2 weeks doing all the shit I blew off like changing light bulbs and fixing small leaks. But definitely should be less chaotic and no more working from can't see at morning til can't see at night. Still going to be 6 days a week until after Independence Day though. Fucking beat. But alive.
The hellish, grueling opening season is officially over for me. Opened my last pool day. Still going to be pretty busy the next 2 weeks doing all the shit I blew off like changing light bulbs and fixing small leaks. But definitely should be less chaotic and no more working from can't see at morning til can't see at night. Still going to be 6 days a week until after Independence Day though. Fucking beat. But alive.
Did you get a new helper?
The hellish, grueling opening season is officially over for me. Opened my last pool day. Still going to be pretty busy the next 2 weeks doing all the shit I blew off like changing light bulbs and fixing small leaks. But definitely should be less chaotic and no more working from can't see at morning til can't see at night. Still going to be 6 days a week until after Independence Day though. Fucking beat. But alive.

Have you ever been seduced by an older lady while servicing a pool?
Did you get a new helper?

I did. He's pretty normal too. Not much of a tradesman but he shows up everyday and even worked a few Saturdays.

Have you ever been seduced by an older lady while servicing a pool?

I have never banged a customer. But it got coors lights in the basement close one time with this super slutty milf named Tracy and then her ex-husband showed up with the kid unexpectedly. Super awkward lol.
I did. He's pretty normal too. Not much of a tradesman but he shows up everyday and even worked a few Saturdays.

I have never banged a customer. But it got coors lights in the basement close one time with this super slutty milf named Tracy and then her ex-husband showed up with the kid unexpectedly. Super awkward lol.
Nice, do you still wack it to that memory?
GWN said something about non stop Chinese spammers or something like that.
Don't those idiots know we can't even read that shit?
I got the garage cleaned out and got my buddy to help me lift pressure sprayer into and out of my truck to clean garage floor.

But ya know what?

I said fuck cleaning that floor until tomorrow. So I set up my new office instead.

I can make it way bigger by pulling tractor out.
Got my own desk. No room in my soon to be new basement, I'm finally going to bring home all that nice old wood furniture I refinished last summer and fall.

This is an antique recliner from like 1920 something. Wife bought it at antique store and it was in living room for a few years. She said I could get rid of it.

Nonsense! Especially after I saw a $550 price tag hidden under it. She says she only paid $350. Either way, It's mine now.

Unless I can get $300 for it. Lol.
It actually reclines by moving this support bar to any one of four (4) positions. Big in the '20's I guess. Perfect for a shed office!
What's up with all the Korean and gibberish Asian looking threads?

Not sure if it's anything to do with the forum software, but I'be seen the same on other forums using the same software, the same Chinese/Korean spam, usually pushing a list of universities worldwide and I guess how to get into them, and.multiple posters are used. Makes you wonder about a flaw in the software allowing someone to create such posters and posts, or what sort of little scamming army is sitting there flooding multiple forums on all subjects, the only common thing between them being the forum software used, the XenForo software.
So now, we are back to loadshedding.....
This means every area has its power cut for 2 and a half hours every day at a different time every day according to a schedule....I lucked out last night and today as the power off time will only be after lights out and we are booked into a hotel in the countryside for the evening, anyway.
But I guess it is going to become problematic. I see a small generator in my future.
My plants are not going to like this shit.
Neither of those are great solutions. Anything at the edges of the driveway, rocks, poles, stumps, etc, make snow removal a pain in ass and I'd have to put a chain 25ft up the driveway so there's room to pull off the road Bertie unhooking it. I live on the main road in town, so no stopping in the road or you'll get plowed into. They'd still be able to pull in and block it. Unless i could put up an automatic gate, I just need to keep being psycho.
Get a dog?
Specifically a Cane Corso (Roman War Dog).
We got ours, she's a rescue, was really abused for her first 18months prior to getting here.
With a lot of love She's gained 20-30 pounds, now 110 pounds, 6' long when she stands up, with a head the size of a basketball, the dog is a "monster", and just wants to cuddle and get belly rubs from us.

But...At the end of the day the Cane Corso is a guard dog, thats what is does and it does it very well, my wife is the safest woman in town. The way the dog "guards" her mommy is amazing.
The dog is so good at its job the mailman no longer delivers to our house.
Occasionally somebody will ring the doorbell (poor bastards) the dog makes sure they never do that again.