What did you accomplish today?

Well fuck you druk toe man.
Don't do druks

Finished knocking down a rail last night, all flowers are hanging gently in a closet, 2 days, 4 plants trimmed each day that is pretty damn good for me and the wife. We still found time to hit Sams club for our monthly shopping there then took the RZR out for about a 3 hour ride. Got home just after lights on and knocked down the last 4 plants. I am feeling like we accomplished something this morning.
Got at it early this morning on this prime brisket. Salt and pepper @250. First brisket so hope all goes well. Some nice oak and hickory chunks for the smoke and lump of the same.

Went to adjust a vent on the smoker and whamo. Lil birdie must've been going for a moth or something. Smashed into the side of the shop. She was rocked and out of it for a bit. She finally flew away. I didn't see a dick so I just assumed it's a she.


Fucking lovely out this weekend. 83 and feels like....83. 79 yesterday so smoked a chicken and some wings. Then I simply opened the vents all the way got the smoker cranked up to 800 and she just cleans herself. Smoked wings just may be my favorite. Hopefully this brisket changes my mind.

I've done nothing so far today (even my second cup of coffee seems too far away right now) Was going to the beach but there's a baseball game at 2 so I'll probably do nothing this afternoon as well, except watch baseball! But that's okay because I love baseball, and enjoyed watching a 15-4 victory last night by America's Team! :mrgreen: