What did you accomplish today?

I got to pet a full grown male African lion; he was doped out groggy from his yearly exam. He lived at the Sacramento zoo and had his yearly exam at the vet school where my soon to be wife was getting her degree. It was a surprise cuz she knew I adore big cats; so it was a close/open your eyes thing. I just got a touch and she yanked me back by my pony tail while the lion was groggily considering taking my arm off. LOL
Good fucking zoo though.
I got to pet a full grown male African lion; he was doped out groggy from his yearly exam. He lived at the Sacramento zoo and had his yearly exam at the vet school where my soon to be wife was getting her degree. It was a surprise cuz she knew I adore big cats; so it was a close/open your eyes thing. I just got a touch and she yanked me back by my pony tail while the lion was groggily considering taking my arm off. LOL
I had to think hard for anything I got done today. I did cleanup from one party and set up for another, but I can do that in my sleep. Or like today, after eating half a Snoop Dog Dog Treat and smoking a few hits of Poly Shunk 1.5.

Then I remembered that late last night I had taken out the trash, along with the Christmas card {in a Ziplock bag} with the driver's Christmas bonus in the pouring rain. Had one paper towel and a roll of strapping tape to get the job done. No headlamp. But it was still on there this morning. I got to step out and shout Merry Christmas to him.