What did you accomplish today?

I dragged the trash can in. Looked at the pile of branches I trimmed off the peach tree yesterday and decided that was a lot of work and I deserved to take the day off and cut them up another time. Made a beer run, I think I should check and see how the cure is doing on my buds.
Well I did it. Met with an adviser and registered for classes today. Still waiting to hear on the financial aid review. I just need 3 classes this spring and 1 over the summer and I'm done. Taking 2 online, then one on Tuesdays from 6-9:10. When I was going there 15 years ago, I took all night classes as well. Feeling pretty alright about this.
I now have 2 cards, Thanks Secret Santa!
I got my card from my Board of Directors. With my Walmart gift card. We get $200 and a ham. Today was our little office party. Got two large pies from Pizza Hut. Sat in the lobby around the fireplace to eat. The beer drinkers {everyone but me} got started on their weekend early. I had the other half of my Dog Treat and a few puffs where I could.

Everyone but me gets beer from everyone else. The boss suggested that next year we buy the beer out of petty cash, and exchange real gifts. A novel concept.
Well I did it. Met with an adviser and registered for classes today. Still waiting to hear on the financial aid review. I just need 3 classes this spring and 1 over the summer and I'm done. Taking 2 online, then one on Tuesdays from 6-9:10. When I was going there 15 years ago, I took all night classes as well. Feeling pretty alright about this.
Just out of curiosity, what's the difference in $/unit now and 15 yrs ago. Congrats btw, you'll tear thru the classes, again a big diff from 15 yrs ago :)