What did you accomplish today?

I got to town for the first time since before Christmas. Hit all 5 thrift stores. Found a down mummy bag for 10 bucks at Good Will. It was buy one get one at another store. I got two pairs of pants for a buck. Silk Tommy Bahamas and some sort of lite weight Adidas. Also a Chaps rain jacket and a Mariano wool sweater for two bucks. Even though I had several already, I bought more kids tooth brushes for a dime and little tubes of tooth paste for a nickle each. {Grams make ounces and ounces make pounds} Most of the stores have dropped their prices since the hurricane, and have a free section for folks affected by the storm.

Since I didn't get by the stores right before Christmas, I gave them their year end gifts today. Fifty bucks to two of the church stores and Habitat Re-Store, and twenty to another church store. Nada for Good Will. I did give GW more clothes and jigsaw puzzles than the other places. They have more storage space.

And I got to work on time.
My daughter had her first day of big school. Getting ready to fetch her now.
Back in the day, I had to walk myself home.

My daughter had her first day of big school. Getting ready to fetch her now.
Back in the day, I had to walk myself home.
10 miles each way and 3ft of snow?

I remember taking the dirt bike/ 4 wheeler to the bus stop every day. Neighbors had a shop I could park behind. Surprised no one ever complained when I was late and top ending through the deer trails... Pardon me, reminiscing
Having great success with hemp CBD oil for anxiety and other issues but it is very expensive. Bought a butter machine to make butter, oils and tinctures. Since only hemp is legal in my area made a tincture as well as some gummies & some butter from ABV/hemp mix.

All of them turned out ok but not what I am used to when making these things with cannabis. The magic butter machine recipe for gummies is awful. Turned out like chewy ass rubber bands. They work but texture is disappointing. Gonna add less unflavored gelatin next time.

Do I decarb hemp at a different temp than cannabis?

I can't seem to find a lot of actual info about how to prepare hemp but tons of info on weed!

I have two nice ounces of hemp but looking for advice before making anymore batches.

One of the oz is called Fiona and it smells delicious and closest to cannabis I've experienced yet.

Any hemp advice or links appreciated.

Hope you all are having a wonderful new year so far!

Gonna be 22 here tonite yuck!

Same here. I’m pretty sure I have hacked up a lung, which sucks cuz I think I only got one left:-?
Mucinex works. I was hacking up stuff and my ears felt like we drove through the mountians and wouldn't pop.

Met up with family new year's Eve and everyone got sick. It's just now catching up to me.
Tis the flu season.
The scrapper came around today to look at Sister's wrecked trailer. {Mamma lived there until she died a couple of years ago} He agreed to an even swap. He would clean everything up and get what he wasn't taking as scrap out to the paved road so the debris removal teams will pick it up in exchange for the scrap from the trailer and the pole barn {that used to cover it}. Not too bad a deal. My cousin paid $5K to get his wrecked trailer out to the road.

But they are starting Saturday, so I have to get all the stuff I want tomorrow. Wrought iron table and chairs for the garden. Daddy made bookcases out of red cedar, and there are a couple of them that I want. Also lots of sheets, blankets, pillow cases and the like. Will use them at my future camp. No telling what else. And I have nada in storage space.

Also the loggers started on the woods behind Sister's house Monday morning. They are going through it fast, so they should be on my side of the road soon. I've only removed downed trees right up at the house. Still several down in the garden, back and side yards. I figure if they will get them, it will save me a ton of work, and make me half a dollar a ton.