What did you accomplish today?

Tera? I will look it up.

I just smoked a joint of some home grown and now I'm typing this sentence.

My leg is broken. I tripped over a curb after dinner one night, dislocated it and broke the fibulas (small leg bone) Of course it wouldn't happen on a dirt bike or at work or in a car accident. No, tripping on a curb. They bolted me together a week later. I have been laid up in the house since around Christmas. I was taking some oxy at night to sleep but cut those off like a week and a half ago. That shit is terrible, makes me feel like a dirty rolled up bag of trash after you detox. Weed helped with the withdrawal. I stopped smoking cigs, again. So that's good. i don't want to start, again. Please.

There are no more documentaries to watch. Cop videos are depressing. The news is tell-novella. The science cannel cannot stop raving about climate change and evolution.. Yo! If you stopped to think about it, if both are true..evolution AND climate change. Isn't that how everything came to be anyway? The fuck are we worried about? "Evolving wrong?"

The history channel, aliens.


There is not much else to do.

So I have been watching moon conspiracy and flat earth videos. And before you stop and shit your pants. I think, maybe the people i am trolling; are putting these videos together. Like one guy was talking about how all the parts of the L.M> (lunar module) looked like scotch tape and construction paper. I mean, i guess, if you have no understanding of why ultra thin metals with large gaps were used on a machine that goes from a water vapor atmosphere to a vacuum with extreme temperature changes.. I don't think people i troll on the internet have firm grips on concepts like basic engineering principals or economic models. I mean they can't make a mud hut in the forest to survive, much less win an internet argument when the cumulative world knowledge is a fingertip away.

Is it that the information they are failing to decimate is purposefully being used to keep them stupid? Is it possible to use the internet to lie to someone? Have you ever wondered if what you are typing is actually being read by people? Is it possible that A.I> is already changing the words to cause mass misunderstanding or disinformation?

Are we reading the same thing right now?

Have you noticed no one is paying attention while driving anymore? Do you think this is a problem? If people are not paying attention while driving do you think they are paying attention when you are talking? What about listening? Are the communications people are making really urgent? What were we doing before this? like in the 70's, 80's and 90's? Was Ted right? Has the internet destroyed humanity? Is there hope?

If the machine does turn off. What do you think would happen? I am a mechanic. I don't think i would fix a machine that told me to fix itself. I would probably disappear on a mountain somewhere and grow pot and come down the mountain and trade it.

Machines can't smoke weed or get drunk or have fun or sex for that matter. Why become transhuman? Why do people want to be transhuman and try to leave earth? I think they want abandon humanity. Or, at they very least trying to escape death in order to avoid the coming judgment of their actions. People are already doing this now, while alive.

I am not upset about it. I just wonder if people think the same? Or is it really everyone just doing random stuff with no purpose? That seems pointless, like the internet, like this rant.
Tera? I will look it up.

I just smoked a joint of some home grown and now I'm typing this sentence.

My leg is broken. I tripped over a curb after dinner one night, dislocated it and broke the fibulas (small leg bone) Of course it wouldn't happen on a dirt bike or at work or in a car accident. No, tripping on a curb. They bolted me together a week later. I have been laid up in the house since around Christmas. I was taking some oxy at night to sleep but cut those off like a week and a half ago. That shit is terrible, makes me feel like a dirty rolled up bag of trash after you detox. Weed helped with the withdrawal. I stopped smoking cigs, again. So that's good. i don't want to start, again. Please.

There are no more documentaries to watch. Cop videos are depressing. The news is tell-novella. The science cannel cannot stop raving about climate change and evolution.. Yo! If you stopped to think about it, if both are true..evolution AND climate change. Isn't that how everything came to be anyway? The fuck are we worried about? "Evolving wrong?"

The history channel, aliens.


There is not much else to do.

So I have been watching moon conspiracy and flat earth videos. And before you stop and shit your pants. I think, maybe the people i am trolling; are putting these videos together. Like one guy was talking about how all the parts of the L.M> (lunar module) looked like scotch tape and construction paper. I mean, i guess, if you have no understanding of why ultra thin metals with large gaps were used on a machine that goes from a water vapor atmosphere to a vacuum with extreme temperature changes.. I don't think people i troll on the internet have firm grips on concepts like basic engineering principals or economic models. I mean they can't make a mud hut in the forest to survive, much less win an internet argument when the cumulative world knowledge is a fingertip away.

Is it that the information they are failing to decimate is purposefully being used to keep them stupid? Is it possible to use the internet to lie to someone? Have you ever wondered if what you are typing is actually being read by people? Is it possible that A.I> is already changing the words to cause mass misunderstanding or disinformation?

Are we reading the same thing right now?

Have you noticed no one is paying attention while driving anymore? Do you think this is a problem? If people are not paying attention while driving do you think they are paying attention when you are talking? What about listening? Are the communications people are making really urgent? What were we doing before this? like in the 70's, 80's and 90's? Was Ted right? Has the internet destroyed humanity? Is there hope?

If the machine does turn off. What do you think would happen? I am a mechanic. I don't think i would fix a machine that told me to fix itself. I would probably disappear on a mountain somewhere and grow pot and come down the mountain and trade it.

Machines can't smoke weed or get drunk or have fun or sex for that matter. Why become transhuman? Why do people want to be transhuman and try to leave earth? I think they want abandon humanity. Or, at they very least trying to escape death in order to avoid the coming judgment of their actions. People are already doing this now, while alive.

I am not upset about it. I just wonder if people think the same? Or is it really everyone just doing random stuff with no purpose? That seems pointless, like the internet, like this rant.
Excellent, cogent rant +rep
Naah man, upgrade from the stale vape.
You owe it to yourself.

I'd actually say, get a desktop unit first if you are an adult with your own place.

The smoke is pretty harsh if left too long in the bag.

I wanted to get a volcano but the prices never came down to something reasonable.

I have been using a nectar-collector and keep from all the trim as well.
Excellent, cogent rant +rep

It's pretty good pot.
Just smoked the second half of that joint and now..for some reason i want to listen to


Funny thing is i have never purposefully put that song on, ever.

I'm not depressed. Well I have been before. After some dick stole 2 of my plants and then i got, kinda fired? But then they payed me like 4000 to not talk to the news paper. but whatever. I guess that "un-depressed" me.

But in all honesty, money doesn't really make me happy or sad. I mean i know how to budget so, even with this broken leg, and a decent employer, i am not too worried.

One time i was so constipated from my teeth being pulled that my ass ripped and i bleed for like a year. It was the worse pain of my life. An anal fissure is no laughing matter. Especially when you have to walk around with a gun like that. I mean God almighty wouldn't send someone to hell with that.

Then, before that, when i was working on my wife's car. And i nicked my hand with a pair of dirty garden sheers, on the back of my index finger.

Ok, time out.

When you decide to cut yourself, make sure you do fuckin good job at i! Cause if you don't, and you are a gigantic pussy, you won't bleed. Then two days later when you are at the olive garden with your moms family; just polished off three baskets of breadsticks, two soggy side salads and three microwaved imitation itialian dumpster noodles, you start to sweat. Profusely. and then your hand feels like it is about to swell. And when it does, you go to the hospital where they don't do shit drop you medication on the ground, and tell you to come back when it gets worse?So you do and you are laid up for like a week with your gigantic hand tied up above your head and guy next door hand gangrene from an artificial joint they put in last year.

Don't forget about your family! Like that one time your sister in law decided to get a boyfriend and leave her kids and run away with said boyfriend, doing drugs, getting duo's, not showing up to child visits. Then head-on some only guy, on the way to work when she shouldn't have been driving, in the gawd damn first place!, leaving your nephews with their father who then crashes his motorcycle and then you have to live with him and then he gets angry one day and accused you of trying to steal his grandfathers property? And then he moves onto said property and marries the same kinda chick that just killed herself?

I have seen worse times.

Like that one time when i was sick and like 6 years old and I almost died because i ate some bad food at a restaurant. Or the other time i vomited and shit on wife because of some other bad restaurant food.

Or the one time my brother was molested by an effeminate school bus driver, that got away with it cause "their wasn't a camera" and your brother was alone on the bus with him.

Or the one time, any number to other assholes made fun of of you or talked some shit, or even stole the two back tires off a car you owned. Then later, came back the pried on the doors with crow bars. and busted out the window with a brick. Smashing your stereo?

Or the one time, some drug addict apartment neighbor accused you of trying to date his daughter after throwing a crack pipe at you when the police turned the corner. Don't get yourself stared about the prostitute living upstairs and a pimp that was a little to interested in the prostitute's son. Or the land lord that wanted you to snitch to the police. The same police that blocked your car in your parking spot while arresting the crack pipe tosser for whatever, on the way to work and then strikes you with the their door when you come up asking them to move for you.

I have felt bad before.

But, the one thing that keeps my engine running is seeing CA turn into the writhing pile of homeless shit that it always wanted to be. And then total morons chanting about freedom of speech, disparity, racism and moon bean bullshit when their college tuition is $10,000 a year, and uncle sam i.e. the tax payer is paying for it.Then later decrying, "the the system is rigged", when THEY signed the dotted line.

Peace and Love!
Just smoked the second half of that joint and now..for some reason i want to listen to


Funny thing is i have never purposefully put that song on, ever.

I'm not depressed. Well I have been before. After some dick stole 2 of my plants and then i got, kinda fired? But then they payed me like 4000 to not talk to the news paper. but whatever. I guess that "un-depressed" me.

But in all honesty, money doesn't really make me happy or sad. I mean i know how to budget so, even with this broken leg, and a decent employer, i am not too worried.

One time i was so constipated from my teeth being pulled that my ass ripped and i bleed for like a year. It was the worse pain of my life. An anal fissure is no laughing matter. Especially when you have to walk around with a gun like that. I mean God almighty wouldn't send someone to hell with that.

Then, before that, when i was working on my wife's car. And i nicked my hand with a pair of dirty garden sheers, on the back of my index finger.

Ok, time out.

When you decide to cut yourself, make sure you do fuckin good job at i! Cause if you don't, and you are a gigantic pussy, you won't bleed. Then two days later when you are at the olive garden with your moms family; just polished off three baskets of breadsticks, two soggy side salads and three microwaved imitation itialian dumpster noodles, you start to sweat. Profusely. and then your hand feels like it is about to swell. And when it does, you go to the hospital where they don't do shit drop you medication on the ground, and tell you to come back when it gets worse?So you do and you are laid up for like a week with your gigantic hand tied up above your head and guy next door hand gangrene from an artificial joint they put in last year.

Don't forget about your family! Like that one time your sister in law decided to get a boyfriend and leave her kids and run away with said boyfriend, doing drugs, getting duo's, not showing up to child visits. Then head-on some only guy, on the way to work when she shouldn't have been driving, in the gawd damn first place!, leaving your nephews with their father who then crashes his motorcycle and then you have to live with him and then he gets angry one day and accused you of trying to steal his grandfathers property? And then he moves onto said property and marries the same kinda chick that just killed herself?

I have seen worse times.

Like that one time when i was sick and like 6 years old and I almost died because i ate some bad food at a restaurant. Or the other time i vomited and shit on wife because of some other bad restaurant food.

Or the one time my brother was molested by an effeminate school bus driver, that got away with it cause "their wasn't a camera" and your brother was alone on the bus with him.

Or the one time, any number to other assholes made fun of of you or talked some shit, or even stole the two back tires off a car you owned. Then later, came back the pried on the doors with crow bars. and busted out the window with a brick. Smashing your stereo?

Or the one time, some drug addict apartment neighbor accused you of trying to date his daughter after throwing a crack pipe at you when the police turned the corner. Don't get yourself stared about the prostitute living upstairs and a pimp that was a little to interested in the prostitute's son. Or the land lord that wanted you to snitch to the police. The same police that blocked your car in your parking spot while arresting the crack pipe tosser for whatever, on the way to work and then strikes you with the their door when you come up asking them to move for you.

I have felt bad before.

But, the one thing that keeps my engine running is seeing CA turn into the writhing pile of homeless shit that it always wanted to be. And then total morons chanting about freedom of speech, disparity, racism and moon bean bullshit when their college tuition is $10,000 a year, and uncle sam i.e. the tax payer is paying for it.Then later decrying, "the the system is rigged", when THEY signed the dotted line.

Peace and Love!

Machines can't smoke weed or get drunk or have fun or sex for that matter. Why become transhuman? Why do people want to be transhuman and try to leave earth? I think they want abandon humanity. Or, at they very least trying to escape death in order to avoid the coming judgment of their actions. People are already doing this now, while alive.

I am not upset about it. I just wonder if people think the same? Or is it really everyone just doing random stuff with no purpose? That seems pointless, like the internet, like this rant.

This is the kind of stuff I think about a lot. I think that the definition of what is human is going to change (and soon) in ways I cannot fathom but like to daydream about. I suspect one of the first things to happen will be blurring of the line between organism and machine. "Resistance is" yada yada.
This is the kind of stuff I think about a lot. I think that the definition of what is human is going to change (and soon) in ways I cannot fathom but like to daydream about. I suspect one of the first things to happen will be blurring of the line between organism and machine. "Resistance is" yada yada.
Then I want to be a giant Rastafarian with unlimited plasma weapons