What did you accomplish today?

Went to a trance party yesterday.
Met and hung out with Simon from Strain hunters for a short while.
Shared my weed and vape with him. I think he was pretty impressed.
I wish we had smellovision on our PCs. It just has such a unique yummy sweet flavour.
I can see the thread ... Pix Hurl Some Not Nose Safe
Don't let 40 stop you, I'm 60 and the kid part keeps me going.

I've set an arbitrary date of my 40th birthday to make a decision on whether I want a kid or not. Leaning heavily to the not side right now. If I haven't grown up yet, I'm probably not going to in a little more than a decade.

i feel the same as i did when i was in my 20s.....not physically, unfortunately....but i still have the same sense of humor, or lack of one, depending on whose saying...still like the the same kind of books, and movies, still enjoy the company of the same kind of people, when i enjoy the company of people at all....still like animals more than most people...i'm the same....the world changes daily, though

I recently turned 29 so I guess legally speaking 11 years. I was an extreme introvert as a teen and didn't like my classmates or share anything in common with them. I buried myself in books and waited for that part of my life to be over. Not many memories from those years that I look back on fondly. I really started living for me at 19 so I've still got some wild oats to sow and time to make up. I hope I'm surrounded by the same friends with the same sick sense of humor twenty.. thirty years from now.
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Today I got the timing down. Did the biscuits and bacon in the oven, and air fried the potatoes so they turned out crispy and perfectly spicy with the serranos. I'm now going upstairs to nap in my grow room.
That pic is better than most seen on menus.
I've set an arbitrary date of my 40th birthday to make a decision on whether I want a kid or not. Leaning heavily to the not side right now. If I haven't grown up yet, I'm probably not going to in a little more than a decade.

I recently turned 29 so I guess legally speaking 11 years. I was an extreme introvert as a teen and didn't like my classmates or share anything in common with them. I buried myself in books and waited for that part of my life to be over. Not many memories from those years that I look back on fondly. I really started living for me at 19 so I've still got some wild oats to sow and time to make up. I hope I'm surrounded by the same friends with the same sick sense of humor twenty.. thirty years from now.
I have friends that I have kept in touch with from 30 years ago that I met while overseas in the military. If they are truly your friends time and distance doesn't matter.
Thats a cool picture . But I got such a weird vibe from it. Like 80's synth music playing and a large creature from another dimension tears the sky apart at the seams of the rainbow. Just fucking rips the universe apart left to right. Is it just me?
Nah, that happened about 4 mi down the road; but no '80s synth music it was more like artillery booming and giant locomotives
35 this morning, wouldn't be surprised if we see a little snow however I don't think it will stick. I haven't seen snow on the ground here in 30 years. The foothills are getting a few inches. I have my java by my side.