What did you accomplish today?

Hey no joke, ain’t nothing like watching that Texas sunrise/sunset.
@Singlemalt apparently I’m a big fat fucking liar! I just looked and I DONT have that brisket point. Maybe I smoked it when I was drunk. Oh who are we kidding, I definitely smoked it drunk or else it would still be there. I’m usually pretty good with a mental inventory of my freezer and pantry, but I guess this one got away from me.

Pork butt it is then.
@Singlemalt apparently I’m a big fat fucking liar! I just looked and I DONT have that brisket point. Maybe I smoked it when I was drunk. Oh who are we kidding, I definitely smoked it drunk or else it would still be there. I’m usually pretty good with a mental inventory of my freezer and pantry, but I guess this one got away from me.

Pork but it is then.
The pork sword of consolation
@Singlemalt apparently I’m a big fat fucking liar! I just looked and I DONT have that brisket point. Maybe I smoked it when I was drunk. Oh who are we kidding, I definitely smoked it drunk or else it would still be there. I’m usually pretty good with a mental inventory of my freezer and pantry, but I guess this one got away from me.

Pork but it is then.
Shit happens; set fire to a dumpster and we'll call it even ;)