What did you accomplish today?

@Singlemalt apparently I’m a big fat fucking liar! I just looked and I DONT have that brisket point. Maybe I smoked it when I was drunk. Oh who are we kidding, I definitely smoked it drunk or else it would still be there. I’m usually pretty good with a mental inventory of my freezer and pantry, but I guess this one got away from me.

Pork butt it is then.
Here little piggy.

Now that's FRESH!;-)
Shit happens; set fire to a dumpster and we'll call it even ;)


we normally don't get snow here.....maybe the cold and wind but that usually bout it. From the looks of it, the lower part of the state is going into spring. Farmers are awaiting till the last freeze if it ever happens. Getting ready to plant...
it ain't really safe here till the first of may. you can plant hardier stuff around tax day, but there's still a good chance of frost till at least the first of may.
i've already started pumpkins, squash, and watermelons a couple of days ago, in cups. i'm going to go put out some black plastic over the bed and let that ground get really warm before i put anything out, last year the pumpkin and watermelons didn't do shit, think the ground was still too cold when i planted them