What did you accomplish today?

whelp after a long days of work i was excited to you know get home and relax since tomorrow is my day off but less then a minute away from my house at a 4 way intersection with stop lights ( busy as fuck intersection i might add ) some old asian guy decides to run the red light as i have the right of way he hits my car in the rear passenger door and totaled my car. all cars were stopped besides him. my car wasn't badly damaged that i know of but now we are going to basically wring the fuck out of his insurance company to pay for all costs. my car didn't want to move it was locked but only the passenger air bags went off.

nobody was hurt but yea he just fucked me over now i got no car to go to work. going to the police station tomorrow get the police report then to our insurance company so they can hop on it and see if we can get a rental car for now.

this is his car https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/390404674219409410/570447249092378635/20190423_171241.jpg

he just up and left it at the gas station where it will likely get towed by the gas station. he pretty much knew he fucked up and his wife as well. his wife was traumatized. insurance company said i wasn't at fault and i live close by like i said this intersection is very busy all hours of the day there is no way i could have gotten as far as i did without getting hit prior on the drivers side. pretty much have no car to get to work so that is the first thing that needs to get done as well tomorrow but i think when we give them the police report then we will get that all figured out.

im glad he is okay and his wife hopefully will be okay but i've dealt with people and accidents before. don't want to play that blame game bullshit if you know it was your fault take credit for it. i am just really happy it aint my fault man i would never hear the end of it otherwise.
checked my worm bin it's fairly dry but i think i know why. i didn't really build much bedding up because of how little worms i had but this caused the medium to dry out cause it's airy so tomorrow im going to build it up more but i've been feeding it a lot. need to check on my sunflowers as well but i forgot to do that today and water um tomorrow. can't really do much with my car situation i did some research can't get the police report until 7 days after the accident but im going to call them tomorrow just and see. going to the insurance company see what we can do about a rental car for now.

really exhausted 2 hours of sleep only so im bound to have a good night of sleep. tomorrow we got to continue cleaning the room up so i can move in but i can't do much all my sisters and moms stuffs and i can't throw my moms things away. other then that hoping i don't got to pay anything out of my pocket due to the accident i will be pissed. were going with plan A for now though so his insurance will pay for everything as a last resort Plan B which is to pay the deductable and my insurance will cover the repairs.
checked my worm bin it's fairly dry but i think i know why. i didn't really build much bedding up because of how little worms i had but this caused the medium to dry out cause it's airy so tomorrow im going to build it up more but i've been feeding it a lot. need to check on my sunflowers as well but i forgot to do that today and water um tomorrow. can't really do much with my car situation i did some research can't get the police report until 7 days after the accident but im going to call them tomorrow just and see. going to the insurance company see what we can do about a rental car for now.

really exhausted 2 hours of sleep only so im bound to have a good night of sleep. tomorrow we got to continue cleaning the room up so i can move in but i can't do much all my sisters and moms stuffs and i can't throw my moms things away. other then that hoping i don't got to pay anything out of my pocket due to the accident i will be pissed. were going with plan A for now though so his insurance will pay for everything as a last resort Plan B which is to pay the deductable and my insurance will cover the repairs.
Rough day mate hope the bloke pays up.
whelp after a long days of work i was excited to you know get home and relax since tomorrow is my day off but less then a minute away from my house at a 4 way intersection with stop lights ( busy as fuck intersection i might add ) some old asian guy decides to run the red light as i have the right of way he hits my car in the rear passenger door and totaled my car. all cars were stopped besides him. my car wasn't badly damaged that i know of but now we are going to basically wring the fuck out of his insurance company to pay for all costs. my car didn't want to move it was locked but only the passenger air bags went off.

nobody was hurt but yea he just fucked me over now i got no car to go to work. going to the police station tomorrow get the police report then to our insurance company so they can hop on it and see if we can get a rental car for now.

this is his car https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/390404674219409410/570447249092378635/20190423_171241.jpg

he just up and left it at the gas station where it will likely get towed by the gas station. he pretty much knew he fucked up and his wife as well. his wife was traumatized. insurance company said i wasn't at fault and i live close by like i said this intersection is very busy all hours of the day there is no way i could have gotten as far as i did without getting hit prior on the drivers side. pretty much have no car to get to work so that is the first thing that needs to get done as well tomorrow but i think when we give them the police report then we will get that all figured out.

im glad he is okay and his wife hopefully will be okay but i've dealt with people and accidents before. don't want to play that blame game bullshit if you know it was your fault take credit for it. i am just really happy it aint my fault man i would never hear the end of it otherwise.
Go to the hospital and complain about a stiff neck and pain this morning. It's hard to diagnose and almost a guaranteed $10K.
Sounds like pure hell to me. Just the thought of going anywhere near a city gets my anxiety going. Too many fucking people. I haven't seen my grandfather in almost 3 months, mainly because I don't want to deal with the people and traffic, and he doesn't even live in the city, just on the far outskirts of Boston where it's only starting to get congested. Fuck, I get pissed at the birds when they're too loud in the morning, if I walked out my front door to people every day, I'd end up killing someone.

Traffic sucks really bad here and transit outside the city core is abysmal. I don't drive on the main highway through Toronto unless I have to go to the airport or it's late at night. I've lived here for almost ten years and driving still stresses me out. I don't mind people always being around. I like sitting in our front window watching all the craziness unfold, it's better than TV especially late at night as the drunks start coming out of the clubs. Emergency vehicle sirens or people on the street yelling doesn't phase me anymore and I can sleep right through it.
First 90 degree day of the year yesterday, 92. Headed to the same today, 73@ 8:45. Got another hook for a second light installed in my grow room before I even finished my first cup of coffee. My back might cooperate enough to get my second veggie garden prepped.
Rough day mate hope the bloke pays up.
yea that is the only part stressing me out like even if his company and him knows they are fault they going to try dodge the shit so they don't have to pay.
Go to the hospital and complain about a stiff neck and pain this morning. It's hard to diagnose and almost a guaranteed $10K.
lol no i mean if this guy was a prick maybe i would be he seemed okay as long as he pays for all damages i'll leave it at that. i once had a lady do that to me and had my insurance company saying she was "injured" but needed a medical note stating she was injured from the accident. she didn't get the note and even if she did i was ready to take legal actions on that part since she told both me and the cop she had no injuries
called the police record section to see if the record for the accident was done and it is so my dad is getting that right now shouldnt take long. going to drop of his dog at daycare in the mean time and then go to the insurance company give them the report and see what we can do with the rental cause i think with this plan we'd have to pay upfront for the rental costs then get reimbursed by his company.

need to fix my worm bin still i just fed another banana peel just got to add more soil to kind of keep the air gaps minimal. my sunflowers are doing good they are on there 2nd set of leaves already. getting sick otherwise massive headache feeling exhausted everyone in my house is pretty much sick right now