What did you accomplish today?

lol no i mean if this guy was a prick maybe i would be he seemed okay as long as he pays for all damages i'll leave it at that. i once had a lady do that to me and had my insurance company saying she was "injured" but needed a medical note stating she was injured from the accident. she didn't get the note and even if she did i was ready to take legal actions on that part since she told both me and the cop she had no injuries
You're not screwing the guy. If you're going through insurance, his rates are going up either way. Another $10K+ the insurance needs to pay out to you isn't going to effect it on the driver's end. Most people that do get injured feel fine at the time of the accident due to adrenaline and usually don't feel it till later or they wake up in pain the next day. They usually just pay out on whiplash because, again, it's hard to prove. Also make sure to write down any times, and get receipts where you can,of when you've been inconvenienced because of the loss of your vehicle, time is money. If you have any receipts showing recent work to your vehicle, or that show any upgrades, you can usually get more money when they total it. You also might be able to buy it back from the insurance, for cheap, and sell it as a parts vehicle, or part it out, for more money. Are parts hard to get on the islands? Might be able to make a decent buck.
You're not screwing the guy. If you're going through insurance, his rates are going up either way. Another $10K+ the insurance needs to pay out to you isn't going to effect it on the driver's end. Most people that do get injured feel fine at the time of the accident due to adrenaline and usually don't feel it till later or they wake up in pain the next day. They usually just pay out on whiplash because, again, it's hard to prove. Also make sure to write down any times, and get receipts where you can,of when you've been inconvenienced because of the loss of your vehicle, time is money. If you have any receipts showing recent work to your vehicle, or that show any upgrades, you can usually get more money when they total it. You also might be able to buy it back from the insurance, for cheap, and sell it as a parts vehicle, or part it out, for more money. Are parts hard to get on the islands? Might be able to make a decent buck.

i know i aint screwing him over but i don't want to feel guilty if i aint in any sort of pain. if i do get pain then yea imma bring it up but im pretty sure im fine. i wasn't going very fast i was at a complete stop and my car doesn't accelerate very fast in that amount of time and pretty sure he breaked last minute so slowed down the possible damage that could have occured. only damage i really got is a massive headache but thats likely cause im sick been sick for almost 2 days now

and yea i heard about that i failed to take the adrenaline stuff into consideration but meh im a grown man i'll be fine only got fish tailed
picked up my rental car it's a 2018 altima i drive a 2014 altima so not bad tbh. other then that everything with the insurance is practically set they got the police report so they are working on that soon. had to change my name on the insurance policy for some reason they have a random last name for me only. think they took my dads middle name and put it as my last name o.O" glad i got all that out of the way though now i can enjoy the rest of my day waiting for my sister to get home so we can start cleaning up the room some more.
I've been going through my storage areas to see what I want to sell to try cleaning this place up. Just getting rid of stuff to bring in more stuff, it never ends.
Yep, and I don't get rid of much because I hate dealing with people.

I'm building the stairs completely out of scrap and leftovers I've accumulated over the last couple years from the decks. Using two 2x12s at 3ft wide all the way up. Not cutting the boards but adding 1x4s for the steps to rest on. I'm going to be carrying heavy shit up and down and don't want them to break.
View attachment 4322889 my sunflower grow indoor baby
Neck and spine injuries are nothing to mess around with. The sideways impact you describe means incridible forces were placed on you body regardless of speed. Automobile seats are mortally insufficient when it comes to protecting the passenger hans device anyone?

Manlyness has nothing to do with it unless you consider honor and you really are not injured and were to claim to be.

Moulin Rouge sunflower
Foxglove and guardian lavender, seeds collected last fall from mama.
Picked up 3 bags of chicken manure that were owed to me from Ace. When the guy was loading other stuff I misread the receipt and thought the cashier only rang up 1 of the four I asked for, after closer inspection she rang up the correct amount. Went and picked up pizza because the son was jonesing for it, didn't have to twist my arm hard.
Neck and spine injuries are nothing to mess around with. The sideways impact you describe means incridible forces were placed on you body regardless of speed. Automobile seats are mortally insufficient when it comes to protecting the passenger hans device anyone?

Manlyness has nothing to do with it unless you consider honor and you really are not injured and were to claim to be.

Moulin Rouge sunflower
View attachment 4322957
Foxglove and guardian lavender, seeds collected last fall from mama.
View attachment 4322961

yea i don't fuck around with injuries in general but im pretty sure im okay i've gotten fucked up before from neck injuries when i used to body board that shit hurts. nice sunflowers i hope mine kind of gets leggy but i got my lights pretty close to the plants so idk if they will get leggy or kind of stay compacted unless i move the light up. gotta get them kind of long since im using it for cut flowers to put in a vase. not bad though for a week old only.
cleaning up the room by myself since my sister is being lazy. organizing all the things in different bins. got my moms dolls that she collects and plushies in 1 bin, got clothes from all 3 of them in another bin, and got some misc items in another that can be used like christmas decorations or gift wrapping type things. threw away some random shit they saving like paper bags that are torn and old receipts from 2+ years ago. I almost got the entire room cleaned out just the closet left. only things i really can get rid of are all like my dads stuffs from his jobs or tools so he has to go through all of that and organize it.

Im trying to pretty much move in ASAP already because the sooner i can start moving all my things in the faster we can renovate my current room so they can move in. everything in my current room pretty much needs to be redone. we are on a pretty tight time frame as well we got this month and my sister renewed her lease for 1 more month so we got basically until the end of next month to get all of this stuff done. the renovations are probably going to be the hardest part since it will take longer to do.

i still need to break down my aquarium and my tent as well and move both which is going to be a bitch to do. i want to try and push the renovations faster cause trust me im sick of renovating peoples houses/apartments when they are moved in. it isn't easy thus the faster i can move out the faster we can get things going. i still need to buy a new computer desk as well the one i am using is from my sister it looks like a makeup desk for a 12 year old super girly
I might use 2x4s. I have a bunch of little pieces laying around, not a lot of 2x2. My 1x4s are 10ft for roofing so I'm not sure if I want to cut those up.
I would rip the 2X4's in half if there aren't enough to do the job, if there is then I would go with them. 3/4 inch is not a very good face support for the treads. If anything warps over time it could get scary. just MHO.
Did some raking,, turned half of my garden over . Cleaned my deck off sort of.. nice weather has finally come, won't be long and I'll be planting..

Nice weather here has ended. We hit 100 today and the pool hit 86. The swamp cooler is running as I speak and it probably won't go off until October, sigh. We don't get summer electric rates until 6/1, fml.