What did you accomplish today?


Global Moderator
Staff member
I have a couple of cheap ones. I love music and have tons of instruments I got for dirt cheap (garage sales mostly) or inherited, some are more for decoration than others. I actually was wanting to learn how to play violin to some extent but the way things have been going I haven't had any free time to do much of anything.

I practice my bass guitar whenever I can though, I'd play it all day long if I had my way. It's about the only hobby that makes me happy anymore.
Bass guitar and the French Horn were the only two instruments I managed to master.
My brothers band had a gig at a bar in Key west in the 70's & the Bass player got hammered early so I was asked to fill in - my entire memory of the night (through a beer/coke haze) was laying down a thumping line for Free Bird. Twas an awesome experience!
As for the horn I still love it's sound over any other brass.
It's sound is haunting to me.



Well-Known Member
The 2 people watching the thread must be devastated, maybe suggest to the member to take a deep breath and to get the fuck over themselves. Some days you just want to scream how can I saw like an Eagle when I’m surrounded by Turkeys


Well-Known Member
Fuck I knew it my bad won’t ever log off ever again EVER
The family thing you got going on is great. But your husband and children mean nothing, moderating RIU is your purpose. You knew this when you took the gig, so don't cry about it now
Bass guitar and the French Horn were the only two instruments I managed to master.
My brothers band had a gig at a bar in Key west in the 70's & the Bass player got hammered early so I was asked to fill in - my entire memory of the night (through a beer/coke haze) was laying down a thumping line for Free Bird. Twas an awesome experience!
As for the horn I still love it's sound over any other brass.
It's sound is haunting to me.

Mad respect. French Horn is the most difficult brass instrument. Some say its technical difficulty rivals the violin, you have to have some crazy embouchure to make consistently decent tones. I hope you still play...
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Global Moderator
Staff member
Mad respect. French Horn is the most difficult brass instrument. Some say it's technical difficulty rivals the violin, you have to have some crazy embouchure to make consistently decent tones. I hope you still play...
I wish I still played as well - I alternated with a brilliant young lady for 1st/2nd chair for several years.
Very rewarding experience but my embouchure is gone as can be expected - now I just use my talents crushing idiot pushy newb's here.


Well-Known Member
feeling like shit lately. no job, no car, no income. i know that will all change eventually as im working on it but i low key feel disappointed in myself. maybe the boredom of staying home is driving me crazy idk. i do go out but not much i can do without an income i walk around the neighborhood and all that. was hoping the renovations would keep me sane but sadly no progress on that lately we literally have only 4 days to work on it at this rate.

my dad doesn't work on the room until saturday/the weekends so we got 4 days. my sister comes in next week friday so likely wont be doing much work next weekend so pretty much 2-3 days. busy weekends. ready to bust this nut tomorrow though needa get out this house

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
O and update that tradesman didn’t make it to smoko (lunch break). He told me he had 15 years experience. My apprentice with 2 years experience was faster and neater, I get sometimes bending the truth to get work but seriously don’t waste my time. Got another one starting tomorrow. The joys of running a business.
saw this meme this morning and thought of you.

59215999_368634403754498_838703329319059456_n (1).jpg

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
When I was in high school my dad got me a summer job holding signs for road construction. I thought it was going to be great... getting paid to stand around chat with people and work on my tan all day. On my first day they handed me a helmet and heavy high vis overalls and yelled at me over a walkie talkie all morning. I didn't return after lunch break. :oops: