What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
today is my stage kind of nervous for 2 reasons. 1. i got diarrhea; well its kinda passed already but hopefully it doesn't come back. pretty sure i get diarrhea constantly because im eating way too much sugar in a single day gotta try and cut back on that for health reasons like diabetes and all that. 2. i was going to ask him where i am start off at but i think he just wants me to shadow ( watch ) someone so idk what stations are available and where i will be probably if i had to guess imma start either on prep or pantry. pantry is basically appetizers/salads the easiest station on the line besides desserts. it's thursday though i think it will be fairly slow. lunch time is when the area is packed from all the office workers and dinner on the weekends. not much parking in the area so you either need to get a taxi or uber or something along those lines.

other then that though not much plans for today. did most of my chores already just need to wash and dry my clothes. dont need to fuss with the sunflowers until saturday/sunday since i watered yesterday. i need to kind of check out my compost see how the worms are doing and possibly drop more food but last time i fed a ton of food more then likely none of it is even gone. i have a theory that if you feed heavily they will gorge themselves and basically reproduce more due to all the food. that is what i read at least space wise there is a ton of space it's about a 30gal bin. i always have trouble with my worms though they dont tend to seem fat like other peoples worms thus why i fed more as well. i think in the past i was under feeding um.