What did you accomplish today?

I spent most of the morning cleaning out a vacant apartment. Until I found the old tenants diary, then I spent a good 30 min or so reading it. I think she's going to be a future guest on Maury if things don't improve for her. lmao

She also left a ton of personal info. Drivers license and social security #'s for her, her baby daddy and even her baby's SS#. She also left her dad's debit card #, expiration date, pin #, etc. and her baby daddy's bank account info.

I shredded it all, but make sure you take your shit with you when you move.
But anyways that just made me think how much I really want to purchase some land in Alaska and fucking go half off the grid or something. Grow my own food, hunt and raise my own animals. Grow my own weed. I get no gratification from working for someone else who could fire me without a second thought, buying groceries from some corporate entity that rampantly uses GMOs. It's only been a few months on my own (with my partner) and I just can't accept this way of life. It's repetitive, annoying, controlling and unnecessary.

Aw see, you're lucky. My family lost their 40 acres due to divorce and stupidity. I want to be able to have land and pass it down through the generations because I'm sure my spawn at some point will think the same thing.

You're living my dream sir! I'd want to make a business off the land as well, like thc infused soaps and lotions etc. so many opportunities, and the best thing is that at the end of the day you are working for something that you can see grow and reap the benefits from immediately. In 2-4 years I'll be where you are, fingers crossed!

I've got 27 acres of virgin timber in the interior of AK that I'll let you in on for a decent price.
I already cut in a 200 yd long driveway & a 150'x100' house pad & had that dozed.
Bordered on 2 sides by state maintained roads, a 3rd side is a historic native trail that is protected. Electrical is just down the street & water is a scant 30-40 feet down.

One of the best parts is no state income tax, and no property tax to deal with.

I've got 27 acres of virgin timber in the interior of AK that I'll let you in on for a decent price.
I already cut in a 200 yd long driveway & a 150'x100' house pad & had that dozed.
Bordered on 2 sides by state maintained roads, a 3rd side is a historic native trail that is protected. Electrical is just down the street & water is a scant 30-40 feet down.

One of the best parts is no state income tax, and no property tax to deal with.

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That looks like a real nice spot for a cabin!

Speaking of, I think I have to put mine off this year or wait till the ground freezes because it's wetter than shit back there from all the rain this year. I've been keeping busy with other projects in the mean time. Today I started building a roof for the hay rings so we don't have as much hay get wasted from rain and snow.

I got all the holes dug almost 4ft down and the telephone poles set in place. Tomorrow I'll pick up the materials to finish it, gonna be 15' x 20' by 8ft high.

Today was a pretty unforgettable day. Me and my boyfriend have been rummaging through his deceased father home that was once owned by his grandmother and her grandmothers mother. It's a dump. Hoarding was rampant and bugs are everywhere, but today we found a diamond. We thought it was CZ. But no it's 2.5-3 carats of real, real diamond. The lady gawked and estimated it at 20grand.... she buzzed that diamond 6 times then called her manager in disbelief..IMG_6503.JPG

Rent cable and electric is due. And I've been crying since. That's a bead from a bracelet but it doesn't really do scale justice. It's more than half of a dime size I reckon.

Today was a pretty unforgettable day. Me and my boyfriend have been rummaging through his deceased father home that was once owned by his grandmother and her grandmothers mother. It's a dump. Hoarding was rampant and bugs are everywhere, but today we found a diamond. We thought it was CZ. But no it's 2.5-3 carats of real, real diamond. The lady gawked and estimated it at 20grand.... she buzzed that diamond 6 times then called her manager in disbelief..View attachment 3796407

Rent cable and electric is due. And I've been crying since. That's a bead from a bracelet but it doesn't really do scale justice. It's more than half of a dime size I reckon.

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What rent? You said the house was family owned?
can you describe how you found it?
It was in a box that had 2 jewelry boxes. Opened up one of the jewelry boxes and rummaged through a bunch of costume jewelry. Came across a small envelope titled "diamonette" and it turns out it's an old texas jewelry company that closed down in 1971, in the envolope wrapped in parchment paper was that guy. Thought it was fake.
We do NOT live in that dump lol. We have an apartment.

Edit- All the power and water is off since we didn't have the money to keep it up, plus 8,000$ in taxes is owed on it. So we are trying to get all the family memories and shit out of there before it's seized.
Here is some advice from an old guy: start negotiating, buy some time, cash the diamond in and get the house out of hock. Clean house up, then decide; you'll get a lot more than 20K for the house if you sell on a clean bill. 'Sides, multi-generational home, you might find a lot more neat/$$ stuff. Adapt and improvise ;)
Today was a pretty unforgettable day. Me and my boyfriend have been rummaging through his deceased father home that was once owned by his grandmother and her grandmothers mother. It's a dump. Hoarding was rampant and bugs are everywhere, but today we found a diamond. We thought it was CZ. But no it's 2.5-3 carats of real, real diamond. The lady gawked and estimated it at 20grand.... she buzzed that diamond 6 times then called her manager in disbelief..View attachment 3796407

Rent cable and electric is due. And I've been crying since. That's a bead from a bracelet but it doesn't really do scale justice. It's more than half of a dime size I reckon.

View attachment 3796405

That diamond is really worth 20 grand?
They'll pay that for it? Because I always heard you pay out the ass to a jeweler when you buy one...but when you sell you get a fraction of that, which may be why they seem to stay in families for generations?
That diamond is really worth 20 grand?
They'll pay that for it? Because I always heard you pay out the ass to a jeweler when you buy one...but when you sell you get a fraction of that, which may be why they seem to stay in families for generations?
Good point; I had jewelry dealings 30 yrs ago and I didn't get back close to what I paid. Seems if jewelry is always quoted retail?