What did you accomplish today?

Here is some advice from an old guy: start negotiating, buy some time, cash the diamond in and get the house out of hock. Clean house up, then decide; you'll get a lot more than 20K for the house if you sell on a clean bill. 'Sides, multi-generational home, you might find a lot more neat/$$ stuff. Adapt and improvise ;)

Yea that's what he wants to do and I agree. He wants to save the house but in my eyes it's a huge legal issue. The house is still in his deceased grandmothers name, the grandmothers sister is still alive, and he has two siblings but only the two of us have been going through the place and putting money into it. It's hard and tedious especially if you despise bugs and mosquitos have an odd attraction to you. Spiders silverfish galore... not to mention the house flooded and some odd mold is sticking to the boxes and furniture.

I just want to be done with it tbh.
That diamond is really worth 20 grand?
They'll pay that for it? Because I always heard you pay out the ass to a jeweler when you buy one...but when you sell you get a fraction of that, which may be why they seem to stay in families for generations?

That's what the jewelry store lady and her manager said after they dinged the thing and sized it or whatever. We are gonna go get it graded tomorrow and hope for the best. My brain won't accept the fact that it's real even now. I feel like it's all an evil trick or something.
Yea that's what he wants to do and I agree. He wants to save the house but in my eyes it's a huge legal issue. The house is still in his deceased grandmothers name, the grandmothers sister is still alive, and he has two siblings but only the two of us have been going through the place and putting money into it. It's hard and tedious especially if you despise bugs and mosquitos have an odd attraction to you. Spiders silverfish galore... not to mention the house flooded and some odd mold is sticking to the boxes and furniture.

I just want to be done with it tbh.
I'm generalizing/estimating but I think that place has been in the family for around 120 yrs; might want to check into historical registry and see if the house could qualify. Adds serious $ to the value.
This is the kind of stuff we constantly find. Usually brass and sterling silver. Heavy as all hell. We also found an old ammunition box from his great grandfather as well as canteen and all his naval pins from the 40s or 50s. a bunch of old Dr Pepper glass bottles, vintage birdcages, vintages jewelry boxes that play music etc. it just goes on forever. IMG_6496.JPG IMG_6492.JPG IMG_6495.JPG
I'll be happy with any amount of thousands for no investment haha. And maybe I'm not sure how it all works, that's just what she estimated upfront.
You can buy a 2.5-3 ct engagement ring for 5-8k possibly less or a Lot more depending where you go..

Sweet find.. Just saying

Of course you could get lucky with an amazing quality stone.. Justvteying to help be realistic.. Don't expect 20k
You can buy a 2.5-3 ct engagement ring for 5-8k possibly less or a Lot more depending where you go..

Sweet find.. Just saying

Of course you could get lucky with an amazing quality stone.. Justvteying to help be realistic.. Don't expect 20k

Absolutely. I'm the type to expect the worst and hope for the best to save from disappointment.

My boyfriend on the other hand, since she threw out a number...he's the type that will not take anything less than that.
What am I describing?
Is that a cigarette lighter in the asian thingy? My guess is yes. Looks like a cigarette box, lighter ashtray thingy. Probably from the 20s or 30s. Decorative piece. That means you takes what you can gets for it.
That third pic that looks like silver, what is that? Very ornate. Pretty cool
I think if it were silver it would have much tarnish.

Does Saitou remind anybody of smasher?