What did you accomplish today?

I prefer too hot to too cold. I’m weird that way.

So far it’s 83 in and 88 out. I might get away without running the a/c today. It’s windy as fuuuck so when the temps cross, I can be in full passive cheapskate mode.
I’m setting here eating a Howell melon, ( cantaloupe?), and enjoying the a/c. It’s 84 out, just got back from getting my Kubota dragged out by a neighbor. Wife tried to use the bucket to get some black dirt from our neighbors place, buried one side in the muck. Lucky she didn’t roll it over sideways. Neighbor has a much bigger Kubota, only took a minute.

I’d love a beer, but I’m trying to keep my sugar down, being diabetic sucks.
Selling porn and casino joins?? Wow you sure sound like a scumbag
I've been to many forums and the list of you "proect my home" warriors is pathetic. I don't plan to make friends with assholes who make assumptions. Just here for knowledge. By the way I've been a member here since 2006. Not gonna last huh? How long you been here?? LOL

Then let me re quote you......

I don't leave money on the table. Some of the best people I've worked with where in that industry. It's the shit fucks that judge that I can't stand.
One of the best beers I’ve had.
Imperial Pilsner in a burgundy bottle.

Speaking of Imperial
Dug out more weeds between the corn, just a few left on the downhill side.
Ordered a part for the dishwasher, it may not fix the problem it has but it is worth rolling the dice on a $20 part as opposed to replacing the dishwasher.
Looks like I'm going to have to drop some bank on getting my top front teeth fixed, it sucks but it is what it is. No it's not meth damage...lol.
Buds and suds in progress, steak for dinner.
Dug out more weeds between the corn, just a few left on the downhill side.
Ordered a part for the dishwasher, it may not fix the problem it has but it is worth rolling the dice on a $20 part as opposed to replacing the dishwasher.
Looks like I'm going to have to drop some bank on getting my top front teeth fixed, it sucks but it is what it is. No it's not meth damage...lol.
Buds and suds in progress, steak for dinner.

Fell off my mountain bike a few years (4?) back and hit the dirt teeth first.
Broke my jaw just above my two front teeth and they were driven back into my mouth, snapped both my eye teeth in half.
Cost me a total of $120 and 5 visits to the dentist to have that fixed, front teeth survived after my upper jaw was glued back in place ($30), and the eye teeth were $20 each to be rebuilt. The other $50 was for checkups, x-rays, levelling.
Fell off my mountain bike a few years (4?) back and hit the dirt teeth first.
Broke my jaw just above my two front teeth and they were driven back into my mouth, snapped both my eye teeth in half.
Cost me a total of $120 and 5 visits to the dentist to have that fixed, front teeth survived after my upper jaw was glued back in place ($30), and the eye teeth were $20 each to be rebuilt. The other $50 was for checkups, x-rays, levelling.
You must live in Canada or the EU If not I hope you still have those benefits today! Still ride? Hope so!